A study by the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging shows that seniors who work past 65 report stronger benefits to their health and well-being, higher job satisfaction, and feeling valued at work. Remote work is becoming more common for older workers, and many find rewards in their jobs such as mental sharpness and social connections.
Key Points
63% of adults aged 50-64 are working, dropping to 18% for those 65 and older
78% of older workers cite financial stability as very important
88% of older workers feel satisfied with their jobs
22% of workers with fair or poor mental health face challenges like not being able to take time off for medical appointments
Seniors who work past 65 report stronger benefits to their health and well-being
Higher levels of job satisfaction and feeling valued at work
Remote work options are increasing for older workers
Working past 65 provides mental sharpness and social connections
Many older adults face obstacles to working, including age discrimination and barriers related to mental health
39% of older adults who aren't retired report at least one barrier to work