Mysterious Metallic Monoliths

Metallic monoliths have been mysteriously appearing in various locations around the world, sparking speculation about their origins and purpose. The most recent monolith was found near Las Vegas and has since been removed due to safety and environmental concerns.

David Lynch's Teenage Experiences, Art, Music, and Transcendental Meditation

David Lynch discusses his teenage experiences, art, music, and transcendental meditation in a Wild Card interview. He shares how a chance encounter with a painter changed his life and his journey as an artist. Lynch also talks about his new album, Cellophane Memories, and the transformative power of transcendental meditation.

Gift Ideas for Dads Who Love Reading

A curated list of ten unique gift ideas for dads who love reading, including personalized book stamps, reading valets, whiskey glasses, cocktail guides, puzzles, book lights, art, socks, and bookmarks.

Francis Ford Coppola's film 'Megalopolis'

Francis Ford Coppola returns to Cannes 45 years after 'Apocalypse Now' with his deeply personal film 'Megalopolis', a high-concept allegory on his relationship to art. The film explores themes of greed, corruption, loyalty, and power in the clash between a conservative politician and a forward-thinking urban designer over the future of a city.

Controversial Portrait of King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo

A controversial new portrait of King Charles III, painted by British artist Jonathan Yeo, has stirred up mixed opinions in the art world. The portrait features King Charles in a red military uniform with a monarch butterfly symbolizing his environmental work. The use of bold colors and symbolism has divided art critics and royal fans alike.

The Mystery of the Mona Lisa's Backdrop

Geologist Ann Pizzorusso believes she has unraveled the mystery of the backdrop to the Mona Lisa, pinpointing it to Lecco in northern Italy based on rock formations and geological evidence.

Bob Ross TV Series

A TV series teaching the Bob Ross method of painting using previously unseen works of the artist has started airing, with the goal of making people happy through art.

Controversial Student Art Display

A student art contest at New Hartford Central School in Utica, New York, has sparked controversy for featuring a piece of art called 'Monkey Premium Cereal' with a depiction of NBA star LeBron James dunking a basketball, drawing criticism for perpetuating racist stereotypes.

Pope Francis' Visit to Venice's Women's Prison for the Biennale Art Show

Pope Francis visits Venice's women's prison as part of the Biennale contemporary art show, emphasizing the power of art to uplift and unite, and the need to give hope and solidarity to society's marginalized. Venice faces challenges of climate change and depopulation, with efforts to limit overtourism.

Jeffrey Gibson's art at the Venice Biennale

Jeffrey Gibson, a Native American artist, celebrates inclusion in the U.S. pavilion at the Venice Biennale with colorful art that reflects on U.S. history and the pursuit of equity. His work combines traditional craft with modern influences, aiming to spark conversations about identity and justice.

Fire at Copenhagen's Old Stock Exchange

A fire swept through Copenhagen, damaging the iconic 17th-century spire of the Old Stock Exchange. Passersby rushed to help save priceless paintings and valuables. No casualties reported. Building was being renovated at the time.

Ameen Mokdad's Musical Journey in Mosul, Iraq

Ameen Mokdad, inspired by his father's failed painting of a composer, became a composer himself in Mosul, Iraq. Despite ISIS banning music, he continued to play in secret and composed an album. After losing his instruments to ISIS, he invented a new instrument named 'Adad,' symbolizing defiance. He now travels the world performing music and was accepted to Wesleyan University's music department.

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman and the Sherman House Museum

The Sherman House Museum in Lancaster, Ohio, uncovers intimate details about Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, a prominent figure in American military history. The museum displays art, including a drawing by Sherman himself, and showcases his support for theater and the arts. Sherman's life contrasts sharply with his fearsome wartime reputation, revealing him as an ordinary person who did extraordinary things.

Dance Your PhD Contest Winner - Kangaroo Behavior

Science magazine's annual contest 'Dance Your PhD' showcases grad students presenting their research through dance. This year's winner, Weliton MenĂ¡rio Costa, focused on kangaroo behavior.

Yosemite's Firefall Phenomenon

Photographers and visitors gather at Yosemite National Park in California to witness the spectacular 'firefall' phenomenon where Horsetail Fall glows gold and yellow like lava at sunset. Despite challenges, photographers and artists persist in capturing this magical event.

Comprehensive Black History Month Program at Alexandria City High School

Drama teacher Leslie Jones and social studies teacher Ra Alim Shabazz partner to create a comprehensive Black History Month program at Alexandria City High School in northern Virginia, showcasing poetry, dance, and theater performances that educate students about overlooked aspects of Black history and encourage civic engagement.