Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity and assassination claims

The claim that the Supreme Court ruling grants the president authority to order the assassination of Americans and political opponents is false. The ruling provides limited immunity from criminal prosecutions for actions taken while in office. Precedent goes back to former President Barack Obama ordering the targeted killing of a suspected terrorist. The argument that the president can order military personnel to commit murder is refuted.

Memorable Moments from U.S. Debate History Quiz

A quiz by Fox News Digital about memorable moments from U.S. debate history featuring candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Former President Barack Obama's Involvement in President Joe Biden's Reelection Campaign

Former President Barack Obama is increasingly involved in President Joe Biden's reelection campaign due to concerns about facing former President Donald Trump in a rematch. Obama is advising on digital strategy, public relations, and fundraising for Biden. Despite rumors, there is no evidence that Obama is sabotaging Biden.

Comedian Jon Stewart Mocks President Joe Biden's G7 Conference Incident

Comedian Jon Stewart mocks President Joe Biden's G7 conference malfunction, comparing it to ghosts or out-of-frame paratroopers. The Daily Show highlights Biden's wandering off incident, while also referencing Trump's mistakes. Democrats downplay evidence of Biden's cognitive decline.

Google's AI-generated search results showing incorrect information

Google's new AI-generated search results have been showing wildly incorrect information, such as claiming Barack Obama is a Muslim, suggesting using glue on pizza, and eating a rock a day for health. Users have criticized the AI for mixing up information from unreliable sources and social jokes. Google is under pressure to refine its systems amidst the AI frenzy.

Fundraising Event with Barack Obama, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts to Boost Biden's Campaign

President Joe Biden's campaign plans a major fundraiser with Barack Obama, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts in Los Angeles to boost fundraising efforts, as Trump and the GOP aim to close the cash gap. Biden's campaign has had a cash advantage over Trump, allowing for infrastructure building in battleground states and hiring staff. The campaign is bracing for new campaign finance filings that may show Trump's campaign eating into Biden's financial advantage. Biden has seen significant spikes in small-dollar donations around major events. Obama has been a key part of Biden's fundraising efforts, helping generate over $17 million in small-dollar donations.

Far-Left Activist Speaks at Anti-Israel Encampment at University of Chicago

Retired professor with connections to former President Barack Obama and history of far-left militant activism speaks at anti-Israel encampment at University of Chicago, visited by Bill Ayers known for co-founding Weather Underground, a far-left militant organization classified as a Domestic terrorist group by the FBI.

Criticism of Elon Musk's Mars ambitions

Top astronomer criticizes Elon Musk's Mars ambitions as a dangerous illusion, advocating for solving Earth's problems first. Former US President Barack Obama also expresses similar concerns, preferring investment in taking care of Earth.

The Decline of Neckties in Formal Attire

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton attended a campaign fundraiser event in New York without wearing neckties, sparking a fashion debate on the relevance of ties in formal attire.

Death of U.S. Rep. William Delahunt

Longtime U.S. Rep. William Delahunt of Massachusetts, a Democratic stalwart who helped pass former President Barack Obama's legislative agenda, has passed away at the age of 82 following a long-term illness.

High-Dollar Fundraiser with Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton

Hunter Biden was spotted at a high-dollar fundraiser in New York City with his father Joe Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. The fundraiser has drawn criticism for its exclusive nature and high ticket prices.

Former President Trump attends wake of slain NYPD officer

Former President Donald Trump attended the wake of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller, emphasizing the need for law and order. President Joe Biden skipped the wake for a fundraiser with Obama and Clinton. Trump expressed condolences to Diller's family and highlighted the importance of supporting law enforcement.

Political Criticism

Former President Donald Trump's campaign criticizes current President Joe Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for skipping the wake of a slain New York City police officer to attend a glitzy fundraiser, while Trump attends the wake to honor the officer's legacy.

Barack Obama's Support for Joe Biden's 2024 Reelection Campaign

Barack Obama visited Joe Biden at the White House for a working visit to support Biden's reelection campaign against Donald Trump in 2024. Obama plans to intensify his involvement in the campaign through fundraising appeals, campaign appearances, and motivating young voters. His focus will be on fundraising, motivating Black and Latino voters, and addressing issues like Israel's war in Gaza and reproductive rights.

Barack Obama's Visit to Downing Street

Former US President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Downing Street in London for an informal courtesy drop-in and to discuss the work of the Obama Foundation with UK officials.

Barack Obama's Meeting with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Former U.S. President Barack Obama had a one-hour meeting with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the official residence of the Prime Minister. The purpose of the meeting was not disclosed, and it was described as 'informal' and private.

Preserving Earth vs. Colonizing Mars

Barack Obama emphasizes the importance of preserving Earth before considering colonizing Mars, stating that even after a nuclear war, Earth would be more liveable than Mars due to factors like oxygen availability. He advocates for investing in taking care of our planet rather than seeking new living spaces in space exploration.