Nigel Farage vs. Mail on Sunday and UK Politicians

Nigel Farage accuses Mail on Sunday of printing falsehoods and collaborating with the Kremlin to smear him, leading to a potential lawsuit. Farage defends his comments on the Ukraine war and faces criticism from UK politicians. Former PM Boris Johnson rebukes Farage's stance as 'nauseating ahistorical drivel and more Kremlin propaganda.'

Allegations against Will Lewis in the midst of Partygate scandal

Will Lewis, Washington Post publisher and informal adviser to Boris Johnson, advised No 10 staff to 'clean up' phones amid Partygate scandal but denies allegations. Lewis's journalistic record and alleged efforts to kill negative stories about him are under scrutiny. Allegations of cover-up of criminal activity by Lewis's former employer, News Corp, have also been raised.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson turned away from polling station for forgetting ID

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was turned away from a polling station for forgetting his ID to vote in the U.K.'s local elections, a requirement he introduced during his time in office. Despite the incident, he was later able to cast his vote for the Conservative party.

Boris Johnson's Alleged Secret Meeting with Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson allegedly secretly traveled to Venezuela to meet with socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro. He discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other topics with Maduro, acting as a back channel for the UK. Johnson's office claims he emphasized the need for Venezuela to embrace democracy and respect its neighbors' territorial integrity.

Tucker Carlson vs Boris Johnson

Tucker Carlson claims Boris Johnson demanded $1 million for an interview after accusing Carlson of being a Kremlin tool. Johnson's team denied the claim, stating the money would go to charity. Putin accused Johnson of blocking a peace deal between Moscow and Kyiv.

Boris Johnson leading poll to take on Sir Keir Starmer

Boris Johnson tops poll of Tory politicians to take on Sir Keir Starmer in a potential comeback boost, with survey showing he outperforms other Conservative leaders as well. Poll suggests majority of 2019 Conservative voters would return to Tories under Johnson. Lady McAlpine believes Tories would beat Labour with Johnson leading a 'new squeaky clean Conservative Party.' Johnson's potential comeback is supported by other senior Conservative figures after comments by Rishi Sunak.

Boris Johnson topping poll to challenge Sir Keir Starmer

Boris Johnson tops poll of Tory politicians to challenge Sir Keir Starmer, with 28% support against 25% for the Prime Minister. 52% of 2019 Conservative voters undecided on next election would return to Tories under Johnson. Poll conducted by Whitestone Insight surveyed 13,534 British adults online between January 23 and February 7.