Boris Johnson's Alleged Secret Meeting with Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson allegedly secretly traveled to Venezuela to meet with socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro. He discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other topics with Maduro, acting as a back channel for the UK. Johnson's office claims he emphasized the need for Venezuela to embrace democracy and respect its neighbors' territorial integrity.

Key Points

  • Johnson discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and potential military support from Venezuela to Russia.
  • Topics included normalizing relations with Maduro's regime, holding a 'free and fair' presidential election in 2024, and de-escalating tensions with Guyana.
  • The British government denied Johnson was acting in an official capacity during the trip.


  • Johnson's alleged visit could have facilitated diplomatic discussions between the UK and Venezuela, potentially impacting regional relations and conflicts.
  • By meeting with Maduro, Johnson may have been able to convey the UK's stance on democracy and territorial integrity, influencing Venezuela's policies.


  • The secrecy surrounding the visit raises questions about transparency and accountability in diplomatic engagements.
  • Johnson's alleged personal visit could be seen as unconventional and potentially controversial, especially given the political context of the meeting.