Brazil-Argentina Relations

Brazilian President Lula demanded an apology from Argentine President Milei for criticizing him, threatening to damage friendly ties. Milei called Lula a communist and a thief. The leaders exchanged a brief greeting at the G7 summit but did not speak otherwise. Lula's administration publicly demanded an apology from Milei twice.

Giant Pandas Arriving in San Diego from China

Giant pandas are being sent from China to San Diego as part of a diplomatic effort, marking the first such arrival in the U.S. in over two decades. This move is seen as a positive step in improving U.S.-China relations and conservation efforts.

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un's Bizarre Friendship in North Korea

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un share a Carpool Karaoke-style ride in a luxurious limousine in North Korea, showcasing a bizarre and chilling friendship. Putin gifted Kim lavish items, and they discussed strengthening their alliance and defence ties. The visit ended with an emotional goodbye as Putin flew back to Russia.

Mark Rutte poised to become NATO's new secretary general

Mark Rutte, former Dutch Prime Minister, is poised to become NATO's new secretary general, leveraging his diplomatic skills and experience in leading coalition governments. He is known for his pragmatism, relationship-building with world leaders, and commitment to NATO's mission.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Gifts Dogs to Russian President Vladimir Putin

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gifted Russian President Vladimir Putin a pair of Pungsan dogs during their meeting. They bonded over animals and took turns driving each other around in a Russian-built limousine. The two have shared previous animal-related gestures in the past.

Russian President Putin's Visit to North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a two-day state visit to North Korea to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, exploring potential cooperation between the two countries.

Russian Navy Ships Visit Cuba

Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine are set to arrive at the Port of Havana for an official visit, as part of friendly relations between Russia and Cuba. The visit does not pose a security threat as none of the ships carry nuclear weapons.

Biden administration's approach to Iran's nuclear program

The Biden administration is reportedly pressuring Britain and France not to confront Iran over its growing nuclear program, including its enrichment of uranium to near-weapons grade. The U.S. is urging European allies to abstain from censuring Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency's member-state board.

North Korea's Failed Rocket Launch

North Korea's rocket to deploy its second spy satellite exploded shortly after liftoff, drawing rebukes from neighbors and disrupting high-level diplomacy in the region. The launch was seen as a provocative action, violating UN bans on such activities.

US-Saudi Arabia Security Agreement and Middle East Diplomacy

President Joe Biden's national security adviser met with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss a security agreement between the countries, including a two-state solution for the Palestinian issue.

Israel-Germany Diplomatic Tensions

Israel's Ambassador to Berlin was rebuffed by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government after making an appeal to reject the ICC's legitimacy. The German government confirmed they would execute an ICC arrest order against Prime Minister Netanyahu for alleged war crimes. The situation has sparked controversy and criticism, with accusations of antisemitism and political tensions.

US-Ukraine Relations and the REPO Act

Speaker Mike Johnson supports allowing Ukraine to use American-provided weapons to strike Russia or Russian-controlled territory. He believes Ukraine should be able to prosecute the war as they see fit without US micromanagement. Johnson has previously pushed the REPO Act, which could impact future diplomatic efforts with Russia.

Recognition of Palestinian State by Ireland, Norway, and Spain

Hamas celebrated as Ireland, Norway, and Spain announced recognition of Palestinian state after terror attacks against Israel, prompting Israel to recall ambassadors. Israel criticized the move, arguing it rewards terrorism. History of Palestinian-Israeli conflict outlined, emphasizing lack of Palestinian state and ongoing violence.

International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders

President Biden criticizes the International Criminal Court's decision to seek arrest warrants for Israel's prime minister, defense minister, and Hamas leaders. Some members of Congress want sanctions on the ICC. Human rights experts warn against repeating the mistakes of the past.

International Relations and Geopolitics

Vladimir Putin's warm ties with China and other countries have helped Russia avoid isolation and strengthen its global influence despite sanctions and war crimes allegations. China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, India, Brazil, Hungary, South Africa, North Korea, and other nations have formed partnerships with Russia for various economic, military, and strategic reasons.

North Korea Missile Launches

North Korea fired suspected short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast, following joint military drills by South Korea and the United States. North Korea is enhancing its weapons arsenal amidst diplomatic dormancy with the U.S. and South Korea.

North Korea's new multiple rocket launch system test

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised another test firing of a new multiple rocket launch system as part of the country's move to bolster its weapons targeting South Korean population centers.

U.S. Foreign Policy on Israel

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki believes President Joe Biden should have cut off weapons to Israel sooner. Biden stated he would not supply offensive weapons for Israel to attack Rafah. Psaki emphasized the significance of the U.S. withholding weapons from Israel as a form of leverage. She also mentioned Biden's challenging relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu and the importance of diplomacy and outreach.

Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping's Visit to Hungary

Chinese dictator Xi Jinping published an article celebrating ties with Hungary and praised Orbán's leadership. Xi emphasized their similar views and urged support for China's Belt and Road Initiative. Hungary plans to sign 16 agreements with China on infrastructure, energy, and transport.

Danish King Frederik X's Official Visit to Sweden

Newly crowned Danish King Frederik X and Queen Mary embark on their first official visit to Sweden, meeting with Swedish royals and government officials. The visit includes ceremonial events and meetings with Prime Minister Kirstersson and the speaker of the Swedish Parliament.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Europe amid growing power, economic ties with EU, and concerns over ties with Russia and stance on Ukraine. Xi's visit will be closely watched for signs of European support for U.S. foreign policy goals.

US Politics - Immigration

Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller accuses Democrats of wanting the former president behind bars before the 2024 election. President Biden calls Japan 'xenophobic' for not accepting more immigrants, leading to diplomatic tensions. Japanese officials respond, emphasizing the strong Japan-U.S. relationship.

Turkey-Israel Trade Relations

Turkey halts trade with Israel worth $7 billion a year until a permanent ceasefire and humanitarian aid are secured in Gaza. Israel's uncompromising attitude prompts the decision. Hamas praises the move, while Israel criticizes it as a breach of international trade agreements.

Election of Jeremiah Manele as Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands

Former Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele was elected as the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, indicating a continuation of close ties with China. Manele pledged to govern with integrity and prioritize the nation's interests. The election outcome suggests a shift away from pro-Beijing policies of the previous Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare.

North Korea planting landmines in the DMZ

North Korea has been placing landmines on inter-Korean roads in the DMZ, signaling a hostile stance and rejection of diplomacy with South Korea. This is part of a series of aggressive actions by the communist regime under Kim Jong-un, including developing new military technology and conducting simulated nuclear strikes.

Attack on German Ambassador by Palestinian Students

German Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority Oliver Owcza was attacked by a mob of angry students at Birzeit University in the West Bank due to Germany's support for Israel. The students also targeted other EU diplomats present at the Palestinian Museum, causing disruptions and expressing anger over the conflict in Gaza.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's Visit to the European Union

Chinese President Xi Jinping is visiting the European Union to offer economic opportunities to the bloc, amidst US warnings and EU probes into Beijing's policies. Xi's trip includes stops in France, Serbia, and Hungary, focusing on investments and partnerships.

Resignation over U.S. Policy in Gaza

Hala Rharrit, a former diplomat at the State Department, resigned over the U.S. policy in Gaza, citing that it was hurting U.S. interests, destabilizing the Middle East, and was a failed policy. She expressed her dissatisfaction with the policy through official channels but felt silenced and ostracized. Rharrit called for an end to violence and unconditional military support, advocating for diplomacy and a two-state solution.

Cease-Fire Negotiations in Gaza

U.S. and Arab leaders are pushing for a cease-fire and hostage release deal to prevent an Israeli attack on Gaza's Rafah city. Talks are ongoing with hopes of releasing hostages and reaching a temporary cease-fire agreement. The situation remains tense as both sides weigh their options.

China's Influence in the Solomon Islands

China's increased influence in the Solomon Islands creates tension in the region, with the pro-Beijing Prime Minister withdrawing from the contest to remain head of the government after general elections.

Fox News report on White House's support for Israel and Terry Anderson's passing

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy reports on the diplomatic tightrope the White House is walking as it supports Israel while urging leaders not to strike back following Iran's weekend attack. Terry Anderson, the globe-trotting Associated Press correspondent who became one of America’s longest-held hostages after he was snatched from a street in war-torn Lebanon in 1985 and held for nearly seven years, has died at 76.

San Francisco to Receive Giant Pandas from China

San Francisco prepares to receive a pair of giant pandas from China as part of Beijing's 'panda diplomacy'. The loan was announced by San Francisco Mayor London Breed and officials from China Wildlife Conservation Association. The pandas are expected to arrive in 2025.

Israeli Retaliation and Strategic Diplomacy

Israel retaliated to an attack but will not officially accept responsibility for strategic reasons. They coordinated with regional partners and informed the US in advance of the strike.

U.S.-China 'Panda Diplomacy'

San Francisco and San Diego are set to receive pandas from China, continuing Beijing's 'panda diplomacy.' Only Atlanta Zoo will keep pandas in the U.S. after the deadline. Efforts have been made to advocate for the pandas, with San Francisco preparing for their arrival by 2025.

Conflict over REPO Act and Ukraine War

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul accuses Sen. J.D. Vance of repeating Biden administration talking points regarding the REPO Act and its impact on Ukraine conflict. Vance warns that the bill could limit U.S. negotiating leverage and hinder Trump's diplomacy in Europe during a second term.

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron's visit to Israel and warning against retaliation to Iran's missile attack

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns Israel against retaliating to recent missile attack by Iran, urging them to act smart and avoid escalating tensions. He emphasizes the need to refocus on Hamas, hostages, aid, and conflict in Gaza.

U.S. Ambassador Urges Russia and China to Stop Rewarding North Korea

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations urges Russia and China to stop rewarding North Korea's bad behavior and blocking U.N. sanctions monitoring efforts. She emphasizes the importance of diplomacy and constructive dialogue with North Korea.

U.S. Ambassador urges Russia and China to stop shielding North Korea from sanctions

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations urges Russia and China to stop shielding North Korea from sanctions over its weapons programs. She emphasizes the importance of diplomacy and constructive dialogue.

U.S. Foreign Policy on Iran and Iraq Energy Relations

The White House National Security Communications Adviser defended the waiver of sanctions allowing Iraq to purchase energy from Iran to ensure the Iraqi people have the energy they need. There are discussions about extending this policy despite recent events involving Iran and Israel. The U.S. is working on a diplomatic response and putting pressure on Iran.

United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran's attack on Israel

The United Nations Security Council convened for an emergency meeting where Iran was condemned for launching drones and missiles at Israel. No meaningful action was agreed upon. The US will explore measures to hold Iran accountable. Iran argued it had no choice. The meeting addressed the Iranian military attack on Israel, which Israel mostly blocked. The UN Secretary-General called for restraint from both parties.

International Response to Iran's Attacks on Israel

Multiple international leaders condemn Iran's attacks on Israel, calling for peace in the Middle East. The U.S. military has shot down 'dozens' of ballistic and cruise missiles as well as attack drones.

Expected Iranian Attack on Israel

Fox News discusses expected Iranian attack on Israel, experts predict regional forces would stay away, Arab states unlikely to take sides, Iran worried about diplomatic relationships between Israel and other states, U.S. remains in constant communication with Israel, experts believe Iran relies on proxy groups for attacks.

U.S. officials express concerns about Venezuela's electoral process in secret meeting with Maduro representatives

U.S. officials express concerns about Venezuela's electoral process in a secret meeting with representatives of President Maduro in Mexico. The Biden administration is considering reimposing oil sanctions on Venezuela if Maduro fails to make progress on free and fair elections.

Impact of Rising Oil Prices on White House

Crude oil prices are rising, leading to higher inflation and pump prices, which could impact President Biden's reelection campaign. The White House is considering diplomatic efforts to ease OPEC cuts.

International Relations and Tensions in the Middle East

Western diplomats are pressuring China to prevent Iran from escalating tensions in the Middle East by retaliating against Israel. The U.S. and European officials are urging Iran and other countries to avoid escalation.

Joint U.S., Japan, and South Korea Military Exercise in East China Sea

The U.S., Japan, and South Korea conducted a joint military exercise in the East China Sea to strengthen their partnership amid tensions with China. The drills focused on undersea warfare, maritime operations, and communication improvement. This comes as China expresses dissatisfaction with Japan's meetings with the U.S. and the Philippines. The exercises aim to enhance response capability against threats from North Korea and China.

State Dinner between Japanese PM and President Biden

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and President Joe Biden shared warm toasts at a state dinner at the White House, highlighting the strong bond between Japan and the U.S. Guests included notable figures from business, politics, and entertainment.

White House State Dinner for Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

The White House hosted a state dinner for Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, with notable guests including former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and actor Robert De Niro. Vice President Kamala Harris and other prominent figures were also in attendance. The event featured a meal of house-cured salmon and dry-aged ribeye steak, and singer Paul Simon performed.

Former President Donald J. Trump's Conversation with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince

Former President Donald J. Trump spoke with Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in their first publicly disclosed conversation since Trump left office. The discussion's details remain undisclosed, but it could impact Biden's negotiations with Saudi Arabia for Middle East peace.

Antony Blinken's Plane Grounded Due to Mechanical Issues

Gold Star father Mark Schmitz calls for accountability for the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal resulting in the death of 13 American soldiers, including his son. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's plane grounded due to mechanical issues necessitating a drive from Paris to Brussels for a NATO meeting.

Russia considering delisting Taliban as terrorist organization

Russia is considering removing the Afghan Taliban from its official terrorist organization list and recognizing them as the official government of Afghanistan, sparking international concern.

Israeli Strike on Iran's Embassy in Syria

Israeli warplanes bombed Iran's embassy in Syria, killing seven Iranian military advisers. The attack marked a major escalation in Israel's conflict with regional adversaries. Iran, Syria, and other nations condemned the strike, while Hezbollah vowed to retaliate. The U.S. expressed concern but denied involvement in the attack.

Victoria Nuland's Retirement from Diplomacy

Victoria Nuland, the nation's third-highest ranking diplomat, retired this month. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to her about her career in diplomacy.

China's Technological Advancements and International Relations

Chinese leader Xi Jinping reassures Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte that attempts to restrict China's access to technology will not halt the country's progress. The Netherlands imposed export licensing requirements on machinery that can make advanced chips following the US's lead in blocking Chinese access to such technology. The two leaders are expected to discuss the wars in Ukraine and Gaza during their meetings.

Diplomacy in Dealing with Hamas

Rep. Mike Quigley emphasizes the importance of diplomacy in dealing with Hamas, stating that military actions by Israel are counterproductive and serve as a recruiting tool for Hamas.

Cease-fire in Gaza and Hostage Release

The U.S. is calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza tied to a release of hostages. NBC News' Josh Lederman reports on the new U.N. draft resolution and Antony Blinken's latest diplomatic mission.

China's Meeting with Hamas

China sent a delegation to meet with Hamas, expressing keenness on relations with the terrorist group despite its genocidal actions. Hamas demanded China's help to end Israeli bombardment and establish a Palestinian state in Jerusalem.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's Visit to New Zealand and Australia

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discusses trade and economic ties with New Zealand, addressing climate change. Also, meetings with New Zealand counterpart and Prime Minister. Later to visit Australia to discuss detained Australian Yang Hengjun and trade tariffs.

Chinese Diplomatic Efforts to End the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Chinese diplomat Li Hui is conducting shuttle diplomacy in Europe to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine, facing mixed reactions from Russia and Ukraine. Despite China's efforts, there has been little progress in resolving the conflict.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians dates back decades. There have been attempts at peace accords, but no agreement has been reached. The possibility of recognizing a Palestinian state before a final agreement is being discussed. The U.S. recognized Israel as a nation in 1948 shortly after it declared statehood. The recognition of a Palestinian state by the West could impact negotiations and give Palestinians more leverage. However, the current war in Gaza and longstanding regional issues complicate the situation.

Discussion on Israel's potential invasion of Rafah amid Hamas ceasefires rejection

Rep. Jared Moskowitz believes Israel should be allowed to invade Rafah if Hamas keeps rejecting ceasefires to prevent giving Hamas leverage. He emphasizes the need to protect civilians but asserts that more military pressure may be necessary to get Hamas to the negotiating table.

Boris Johnson's Alleged Secret Meeting with Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson allegedly secretly traveled to Venezuela to meet with socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro. He discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other topics with Maduro, acting as a back channel for the UK. Johnson's office claims he emphasized the need for Venezuela to embrace democracy and respect its neighbors' territorial integrity.

President Biden's Frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

President Biden is showing frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's handling of the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, with concerns about the civilian death toll in Gaza. Biden has been critical of Netanyahu's approach and is considering options to potentially remove him from power.

U.S.-China Relations and International Affairs

China's foreign minister criticizes the U.S. for being obsessed with suppressing China, citing misperceptions and unilateral sanctions on Chinese tech companies. He also addresses issues related to Taiwan, the Israel-Hamas war, and tensions in the South China Sea.

Taylor Swift's Exclusive Concert Deal with Singapore

Taylor Swift's exclusive concert deal with Singapore overshadowed diplomacy at an Asian summit, causing tensions with neighboring countries as Singapore defends the lucrative agreement.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Donald Trump

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirms visit to Donald Trump in Florida, believes Trump's return is the only serious chance for peace in Ukraine and Gaza. Orbán and Trump have been long allies.

Diplomatic Relations with North Korea

Germany's former ambassador to North Korea reflects on the challenges of diplomatic relations with the isolated regime, highlighting the regime's resistance to foreign influence and its hopes for reunification on its own terms. The article also discusses North Korea's strategic approach to negotiations with the U.S., particularly under the Trump administration.

Life After Power: Former President Jimmy Carter's Legacy

Former President Jimmy Carter has set a record for the longest ex-presidency, transforming it into a humanitarian and unique path beyond the White House. He has become an author, humanitarian, global health advocate, and democracy promoter after his presidency, making significant impacts worldwide.