Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Constitutional Change

A poll in Colombia shows that 62% of people believe President Gustavo Petro will try to change the Constitution to stay in power. Petro, a leftist, has faced disapproval ratings, with many disagreeing with his proposed reforms. He has expressed plans for a constituent assembly to draft a new Constitution.

Chiquita ordered to pay damages for supporting paramilitary death squad in Colombia

Chiquita, a major banana company, has been ordered to pay millions in damages to relatives of victims killed by a paramilitary death squad in Colombia. The company had been helping to fund the paramilitaries during Colombia's Guerrilla War.

Rescue of Indigenous Children in Amazon Rainforest

Colombia marks the first anniversary of the rescue of Indigenous children who survived a plane crash in the Amazon rainforest. The children, from the Huitoto tribe, still face an uncertain future as custody is being decided. The siblings were found after 40 days of fending for themselves and are now growing up under state care.

Exploration of the San José Shipwreck

An expedition has begun to explore an 18th-century shipwreck in the Caribbean rumored to contain billions of dollars worth of cargo, including 11 million gold and silver coins and other valuable items. The ship, named San José, sank in 1708 en route to Cartagena, Colombia, after being ambushed by an English squadron.

Colombia Opening Embassy in Ramallah to Recognize Palestine

Colombia's far-left President Gustavo Petro is opening an embassy in Ramallah to recognize Palestine as a state, cutting ties with Israel. This decision follows accusations of genocide against Israel by Petro and Foreign Minister Murillo.

Release of Illegal Alien Convicted Killer by Biden's DHS

President Biden's DHS released an illegal alien convicted killer from Colombia into the US, who was arrested in 2014 for aggravated homicide, aggravated theft, and possession of a weapon. The alien was apprehended by Border Patrol in 2023 and released into the US interior before being arrested by ICE in Massachusetts. The DHS is releasing tens of thousands of migrants into American communities regularly.

Bernie Moreno's Senate Campaign and Immigrant Background

Bernie Moreno, a Republican candidate for Senate in Ohio, is presenting himself as a self-made immigrant success story, but his background reveals a wealthy and politically connected upbringing in Colombia. He strategically omits details about his privileged roots to appeal to voters in a Trump-era Republican Party.

Protests over Israel Hamas war and Donkey Festival in Colombia

Protests over the Israel Hamas war are happening on college campuses in the U.S. and around the world. A quirky festival in Colombia celebrates donkeys.

Colombia's decision to end diplomatic relations with Israel over Gaza conflict

Colombia announced ending diplomatic relations with Israel over its military campaign in Gaza, affecting longstanding security agreements. President Biden also addressed violence and antisemitism towards Jewish students on campuses.

Missing Ammunition in Colombian Military Bases

Colombia's President Gustavo Petro revealed that hundreds of thousands of ammunition items went missing from two military bases, potentially ending up in the hands of rebel or criminal groups. Investigations are ongoing to root out internal networks involved in illegal arms trade.

Colombia to Break Diplomatic Relations with Israel over Gaza Conflict

Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced that Colombia will break diplomatic relations with Israel over its actions in Gaza, calling Israel's government 'genocidal'. This decision follows other Latin American countries, like Bolivia and Nicaragua, taking a strong vocal stand against Israel.

Colombia Breaking Diplomatic Relations with Israel over Gaza Conflict

Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced that Colombia will break diplomatic relations with Israel over its actions in Gaza, calling Israel's government genocidal. Several Latin American leaders, including Bolivia and Nicaragua, have taken a strong vocal stand against Israel since its military campaign in response to a Hamas-led attack.

Water Rationing in Bogotá, Colombia Due to Drought

A long spell of dry weather caused by the El Niño pattern has led to water rationing in Bogotá, Colombia. The drought has affected daily life and businesses, with power cuts and forest fires also occurring in South America due to the lack of rainfall.

Combating Misinformation with Nudges and Incentives

AI deepfakes played a role in Slovakian election misinformation, leading to a pro-Kremlin populist victory. Economists conducted a study in Colombia to combat misinformation with videos and personality tests. Results showed videos increased skepticism, while personality tests had little effect. Combating misinformation requires critical thinking and recognizing commonalities.

Annual Donkey Festival in San Antero, Colombia

The annual Donkey Festival in San Antero, Colombia celebrates donkeys with races, a rodeo, and a beauty pageant. The festival began as an Easter procession and now features donkeys adorned in outrageous costumes. The event attracts tourists and aims to raise awareness about the declining donkey population due to industrialization and the demand for their hides in China.

Colombian Water Crisis

Colombian President urges Bogota residents to leave the city temporarily to reduce pressure on drought-hit water reservoirs. The country is facing a severe water crisis due to the El Nino weather phenomenon, with reservoir levels dropping significantly.

Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Faces Trial on Witness Tampering Charges

Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe faces trial on charges of witness tampering and procedural fraud, denouncing the case as political vengeance with no evidence against him.

Colombia military attacks by FARC dissidents

Colombia experienced a series of attacks by FARC dissidents, marking a setback for President Gustavo Petro's efforts to achieve peace in the country.

FARC's Creation of New Criminal Unit in Colombia

The FARC terrorist organization in Colombia announced the creation of a new criminal unit, despite signing a peace deal in 2016. The far-left administration of President Gustavo Petro has been criticized for allowing FARC to recruit minors and expand its criminal activities. Colombian opposition lawmakers are concerned about the resurgence of FARC violence under Petro's administration.

Snake Behavior Study

Researchers capture video of two red-tailed coral snakes battling over a meal in Colombia, marking the first documented instance of kleptoparasitism within the Elapidae family in the wild.

Diplomatic Tension between Colombia and Argentina

Colombia ordered the expulsion of Argentine diplomats due to denigrating comments made by Argentine President Javier Milei about Colombian President Gustavo Petro, calling him a terrorist, murderer, and communist. Colombia expressed that these comments offended the dignity of President Petro, who was democratically elected.

Drug Trafficking Busts in Colombia and Bulgaria

Colombian authorities searching for a missing fisherman accidentally discovered a submarine transporting 4 tons of cocaine. Bulgarian customs officials also confiscated about 370 pounds of cocaine from a ship transporting bananas from Ecuador.

Santa Cruz del Islote: The World's Most Crowded Island

Santa Cruz del Islote, the world's most crowded island off the coast of Colombia, is home to over 800 people living on a 2.4-acre patch. Residents face overcrowding, lack of infrastructure, and environmental challenges, but maintain a strong sense of community and peace with no crime reported on the island.

Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno's political campaign

Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, an immigrant from Colombia and former car dealership owner, is running as a political outsider with the support of former President Trump.

Peace Negotiations with the Gulf Clan in Colombia

Colombia's largest criminal group, the Gulf Clan, has accepted President Gustavo Petro's offer to start peace negotiations, but the next steps are unclear. The group has been described as a threat to Petro's efforts to broker peace deals with the nation's remaining rebel groups.

Challenges faced by Colombia's President Gustavo Petro

Supporters of Colombia's first left-wing president, Gustavo Petro, are frustrated with his struggles in office, facing opposition in Congress and the courts. Petro has made some progress in tax reform and diplomatic relations but faces criticism for his divisive leadership style and family scandals.

Medellin, Colombia as a Popular Travel Destination

Medellin, Colombia, once a violent battleground, has become a popular travel destination attracting American tourists. However, the tourism boom has led to dark challenges such as an increase in sex trafficking and killings of tourists after rendezvous on dating apps.