FARC's Creation of New Criminal Unit in Colombia

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
The FARC terrorist organization in Colombia announced the creation of a new criminal unit, despite signing a peace deal in 2016. The far-left administration of President Gustavo Petro has been criticized for allowing FARC to recruit minors and expand its criminal activities. Colombian opposition lawmakers are concerned about the resurgence of FARC violence under Petro's administration.

Key Points

  • FARC announced the creation of a new criminal unit in Colombia
  • The far-left administration of President Gustavo Petro has conducted negotiations with FARC
  • Opposition lawmakers criticize Petro's administration for allowing FARC to recruit minors and expand its criminal activities


  • Efforts to bring attention to the resurgence of FARC violence and recruitment of minors


  • Failure of the 2016 peace deal to eradicate FARC's criminal activities
  • Criticism against the far-left administration of President Gustavo Petro for allowing FARC to prosper