Karen Read Murder Trial

The murder trial of Karen Read, accused of killing her boyfriend by backing her SUV into him, ended in a mistrial. Supporters allege police cover-up, while prosecution claims Read is guilty. Dramatic trial moments include conflicts of interest by lead investigator, trooper relieved of duty, and strong public opinions and protests.

Trump Organization's Luxury Tower in Saudi Arabia

The Trump Organization plans to develop a luxury Trump Tower in Saudi Arabia in partnership with Dar Global, raising concerns about conflicts of interest should former President Donald Trump return to the White House. The organization is also involved in other projects in the Middle East.

Fractures in the Supreme Court

Fractures in the Supreme Court are becoming evident due to the justices' public statements and actions, raising concerns about the court's ability to function impartially and uphold the law.

Investigation into Jared Kushner's Investment Firm

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden has launched an investigation into an investment firm run by Jared Kushner, expressing concerns about potential conflicts of interest and foreign influence. The probe comes in parallel to the GOP's investigation of Hunter Biden's foreign business deals.

Controversial Real Estate Deal in Serbia

Jared Kushner's investment fund signed a $500 million deal with the Serbian government to develop real estate, including a controversial memorial to victims of NATO aggression. The deal has raised concerns about whitewashing Serbian war crimes and potential conflicts of interest with Trump administration officials.

The Revolving Door in Washington

The revolving door in Washington refers to the practice of lawmakers leaving office to work for lobbying firms or corporate interests, often receiving substantial financial rewards. This can create conflicts of interest and lead to lawmakers prioritizing special interest groups over the public good.

Biden Family Business Dealings

Former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski testified that Jim Biden admitted the Biden family conducts business with plausible deniability. President Biden's inner circle has been heavily involved in Biden family ventures, despite claims of 'firewalls'.

Political Corruption and Conflicts of Interest

California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is accused of trying to raise money off the guilty verdict against former President Trump, with ties to Judge Juan Merchan's daughter who runs a progressive political consulting firm. Republicans are calling for Merchan and his daughter to be subpoenaed due to conflicts of interest.

Trial of former President Donald Trump

Trial of former President Donald Trump lacks clarity on alleged crimes, with questionable connections among prosecutors and judge. Potential conflicts of interest raise concerns about fairness and impartiality.

Hunterbrook Media's Potential Conflicts of Interest in Investigative Journalism

Hunterbrook Media, a newsroom that places stock market bets to profit from its journalism, is under scrutiny for potential conflicts of interest. The company's founder has investments in a competitor to a company that was the subject of a critical article. Hunterbrook Media's business model involves shorting its targets' stock while doing investigative journalism. The company recently reported on Safety Shot, a drink claiming to lower blood alcohol content, without disclosing the founder's investment in a similar company, ZBiotics. The article raises questions about journalistic integrity and conflicts of interest in the media industry.

Funding of House Democrats and Anti-Jewish Protests

Several House Democrats facing tough re-election fights have accepted funds from the Pritzker family, who have also funded groups participating in anti-Jewish protests. The Pritzkers have donated to vulnerable House Democrats while bankrolling organizations involved in the protests.

Georgia lawmakers question Fulton County District Attorney's use of taxpayer dollars

Georgia lawmakers question Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' use of taxpayer dollars, alleging lack of oversight over her $36.6 million budget. Willis faces allegations of conflicts of interest and misuse of funds, including hiring a special prosecutor due to a romantic relationship.

AARP's Financial Relationship with UnitedHealth Group

AARP has shifted towards generating revenue through its relationship with UnitedHealth Group rather than relying on member dues. This has raised concerns about conflicts of interest and financial priorities of AARP. The report highlights how AARP's financial interests may compromise its advocacy for seniors.

Biden Administration's Relationship with China

The article discusses the relationship between the Biden administration and China, as well as the impact on the Israel-Hamas war. It highlights Biden's positive remarks about China and his niece's involvement with Chinese affairs.

House impeachment inquiry involving President Joe Biden and the Biden family business

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) plans to invite President Joe Biden to testify publicly before the House impeachment inquiry regarding the Bidens' involvement in the Biden business, which allegedly received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies. The White House has dismissed the invitation as a 'sad stunt.'

Biden Family Involvement with Chinese Energy Companies

Hunter Biden tried to help a Chinese Communist Party-linked entity purchase a U.S. nuclear reactor maker in 2016, with the goal of exploiting his proximity to the Obama White House. His involvement was part of a larger plan to assist CEFC China Energy Co. and Westinghouse, while James Biden also attempted to assist CEFC in acquiring a U.S. liquid natural gas facility in Louisiana. House investigators launched a probe into the Biden family in November 2022, revealing financial ties and business ventures with foreign entities.