Russian naval ships visit to Cuba

Russian naval ships, including the Kazan submarine, left Cuba after a five-day visit. The submarine showed visible damage to its hull, but experts say it's common and shouldn't affect its performance. The US and its allies have been concerned about the Kazan class submarines for their striking capabilities.

Russian Warships Military Exercises on the way to Cuba

Russian warships conducted simulated military exercises on their way to Cuba in June, with social media posts falsely claiming they fired live missiles off the coast of Florida. The U.S. Department of Defense confirmed the claim is not true.

Russian Warships in Cuba

Russian warships arrive in Cuba, posing a limited threat to the U.S., with expert opinions on the situation and historical context of similar incidents in the past 20 years.

Russian Warships Arrive in Cuban Waters Amid Tensions Over Ukraine Conflict

Russian warships arrived off Cuban waters ahead of planned military exercises, sending a message to the West amid tensions over the war in Ukraine. President Biden met with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in Paris.

Russian Warships in Cuban Waters

Russian warships enter Cuban waters as a warning to the U.S. after Biden approved Ukrainian strikes on Russia. Putin suggests supplying weapons to U.S. neighbors as retaliation.

Russian Navy Visit to Havana Harbor

Russian navy frigate and nuclear-powered submarine visit Havana harbor, seen as a show of force amidst rising tensions over Ukraine war. Cuba welcomes ships, emphasizing long-time alliance with Russia. U.S. monitors vessels but states they pose no threat.

U.S. Naval and Air Assets Shadowing Russian Warships Towards Cuba

U.S. naval and air assets are shadowing Russian warships heading to Cuba, with open-source intelligence revealing the movement. The U.S. anticipates heightened naval and air activity near the United States this summer, including a global Russian naval exercise this fall.

Russian Warships Conduct Drills En Route to Cuba

Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic en route to Cuba, simulating a missile strike on enemy ships. The Admiral Gorshkov frigate and Kazan nuclear submarine participated in the exercise. The visit to Cuba is part of Russia's efforts to project power amid tensions with the West over Ukraine.

Russian Navy Ships Visit Cuba

Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine are set to arrive at the Port of Havana for an official visit, as part of friendly relations between Russia and Cuba. The visit does not pose a security threat as none of the ships carry nuclear weapons.

Russian Naval Exercises in the Caribbean Sea

Russia is preparing to deploy combat vessels in the Caribbean Sea for naval exercises, with port calls in Cuba and possibly Venezuela. The U.S. is not concerned by the exercises and sees them as routine naval activity.

Biden Administration Lifts Financial Restrictions on Cuba

The Biden administration announced the lifting of some financial restrictions on Cuba, allowing private business owners in Cuba to establish stateside bank accounts. Cuban American lawmakers criticized the move, claiming it helps the Cuban regime rather than the people. The Treasury defended the decision, stating it aims to support the Cuban people and their struggling entrepreneurs.

U.S. Regulatory Changes to Support Cuba’s Private Sector

The U.S. Treasury Department announced regulatory changes to allow more American financial support for Cuba’s private sector and to bolster access to U.S. internet-based services. These measures aim to support Cuba’s budding entrepreneurs while avoiding benefit to Cuban authorities.

Cuban Officials' Secret Tour of Miami Airport

TSA, State Department, and DHS apologized after Cuban officials received a secret guided tour of Miami International Airport, leading to backlash from the local community and politicians. The visit was not coordinated or communicated in advance to airport or county officials. The agencies committed to changing their protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Cuban Officials' Secret Tour of Miami Airport

Cuban officials from the communist regime conducted a secret tour of Miami's International Airport hosted by the TSA, prompting condemnation. The visit occurred on Cuban Independence Day and raised concerns about national security and ties to terrorist organizations.

Cuban Official Seeks Asylum in U.S. Citing 'Fear of Socialism'

Arelys Casanola Quintana, a former official of Cuba's communist regime, entered the U.S. requesting asylum due to 'fear of socialism.' She served in various roles under the Castro regime. Cuban citizens and activists express outrage over her entry, highlighting her past actions. The Biden administration's decision to allow her entry has sparked controversy amid ongoing human rights violations in Cuba.

Foreign Funding of Anti-American and Anti-Israel Protests in the U.S.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz claims that China and Cuba are funding radical left-wing organizations to incite anti-Israel and anti-American protests in the U.S., calling for investigations by the Biden administration. He highlights the influence of these foreign entities on campus protests and criticizes the lack of action by the DOJ and FBI. Cruz also addresses concerns about anti-American sentiments among foreign students and challenges elite institutions for tolerating antisemitic behavior.

Cuba's Removal from U.S. List of Countries Not Fully Cooperating Against Terrorism

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Cuba from the list of countries not fully cooperating against terrorism, citing improved collaboration between Cuban and U.S. officials. Cuba remains on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. The Biden Administration's move may lead to a review of Cuba's terrorist designation. The Castro regime has ties with terrorist organizations like Hamas, and has been accused of supporting far-left activists advocating for Hamas. The Cuban government denies sponsoring terrorism and demands removal from the list. U.S. lawmakers and Cuban officials have differing views on Cuba's status.

U.S. Removes Cuba from List of Countries 'Not Cooperating Fully' in Fight Against Terrorism

The U.S. has removed Cuba from a list of countries 'not cooperating fully' in the fight against terrorism due to improved law enforcement cooperation. This move by the Biden administration is seen as a symbolic shift.

Mariela Castro leading a “Conga Against Homophobia” in support of Hamas

Mariela Castro, daughter of Cuba’s nonagenarian communist dictator Raúl Castro, led a “Conga Against Homophobia” in support of Hamas, while ignoring the lack of gay rights in Gaza. The event was part of an annual rally organized by Castro to promote communist ideology and express solidarity with Palestine.

Activists with ties to Cuba supporting Hamas on American college campuses

Activists supporting Hamas on American college campuses received support and training in Cuba. Manolo De Los Santos, a far-left activist, has ties to the Castro regime. The People’s Forum, a far-left organization, is sympathetic to the Cuban and Chinese Communist Parties. Anti-Israel protests organized by The People’s Forum have been linked to the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. De Los Santos has been traveling to Cuba since 2006 and is a staunch admirer of Fidel Castro.

Russian Recruitment of Cuban Nationals for Ukraine Conflict

Russia has been recruiting Cuban nationals to bolster its forces in Ukraine, offering high pay and passports. The recruitment helps offset Russian troop losses in the conflict and leverages historical ties between Russia and Cuba. Many Cubans were enticed by the prospect of lucrative contracts and Russian citizenship, but some may have been deceived about the job's nature.

Russia Recruiting Cuban Nationals for Ukraine Conflict

Russia has been recruiting Cuban nationals to bolster its forces in the Ukraine conflict, offering high pay and passports. The historical ties between Russia and Cuba make recruitment easier, with many enticed by lucrative army contracts and the chance to gain Russian citizenship. Some Cuban recruits may have been deceived about the job's nature, highlighting the difficulties faced by foreigners in conflict zones.

Sentencing of Mayelín Rodríguez Prado in Cuba

22-year-old Mayelín Rodríguez Prado sentenced to 15 years in prison in Cuba for filming peaceful protests against the Castro regime in Nuevitas. Other Cuban citizens also received lengthy sentences for their involvement in the protests.

Catholic Church Proposes National Dialogue to Address Economic Crisis in Cuba

The Catholic Church in Cuba is proposing a national dialogue to help resolve the economic crisis on the island, following rare protests over shortages in food, medicine, power, and gasoline. The church has a history of playing a key role in resolving political tensions and social issues in Cuba.

Former U.S. Ambassador Admits to Acting as Secret Agent for Cuba

Former U.S. Ambassador and National Security Council member, Victor Manuel Rocha, pleaded guilty to acting as a secret agent for communist Cuba for decades. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for working against the U.S. government and must cooperate with the U.S. for any damage assessment related to his work.

Cuba's Tourism Growth with Russian Visitors

Cuba plans to welcome 200,000 Russians this year, aiming to boost tourism after a decline due to US travel restrictions and pandemic closures. The country saw a record number of Russian visitors in the first quarter of 2024, surpassing last year's figures. Cuba and Russia are working to increase direct flights to accommodate the influx of tourists.

United States Coast Guard intercepts migrants

United States Coast Guard intercepted 16 migrants on a homemade boat off the coast of Key West, Florida and repatriated them back to Cuba. The Coast Guard continues to patrol to prevent unsafe voyages at sea and enforce U.S. immigration laws.

Cuban Government Ensures Food Rations Amid Protests

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel assures the population of secured food rations following recent protests over shortages. Efforts have been made to improve the situation and ensure essential foods for the coming months.

Cuban Art Exhibition at Morocco's Mohammed VI Museum

Morocco's Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art hosts a Cuban art exhibition, showcasing works by Wifredo Lam and Jose Angel Toirac. The exhibition explores prevalent themes in Cuban art and aims to diversify the museum's collection beyond European artists.

Ban on Catholic Holy Week Processions in Cuba

The Communist Party of Cuba has reportedly banned Christians from celebrating traditional Catholic Holy Week processions in various regions of the country in anticipation of Easter. The ban is believed to be motivated by fear of protests against the regime.

Protests in Cuba Amid Blackouts and Food Shortages

Protests in Cuba due to blackouts and food shortages in Santiago showcase the challenges facing the government. Residents express frustration at power outages and food scarcity, leading to rare public protests. The government responds with dialogue and distribution of subsidized rations to address grievances.

Protests in Cuba and Former President Trump's Statements

Protesters in Cuba demand government fix economic and energy crises with food shortages and blackouts. Former President Trump supports regime change in Cuba due to communist regime's oppression and economic situation. Calls for free and fair elections and release of political prisoners.

Support of Hamas and Palestine by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel

Miguel Díaz-Canel, president of Cuba, participated in a virtual reality Gaza experience and expressed strong support for Hamas and Palestine, blaming capitalism and the American 'empire' for the conflict. The Castro regime has a history of supporting jihadist causes while repressing people of all faiths, including Cuban Muslims. Díaz-Canel's actions come amidst ongoing protests against the communist regime in Cuba.

Protests in Cuba Over Economic and Energy Crises

Protesters in Cuba demand government action to address economic and energy crises, with calls for military support and an end to the Communist regime after over 60 years. Artists and public figures are bringing attention to the situation on social media.

Energy Crisis in Cuba and Protests Over Shortages

Cuba is facing an energy crisis with waves of blackouts worsening in recent weeks, leading to protests over shortages of food and electricity. The World Happiness Report highlights differences in happiness between generations.

Cuba Energy Crisis and Protests

Cuba is facing a severe energy crisis with widespread blackouts, food shortages, and lack of transportation, leading to anti-government protests and a deteriorating economic situation.

Protests in Cuba Over Economic and Energy Crises

Protesters in Cuba demand government action to address economic and energy crises leading to food shortages and blackouts. Senator Marco Rubio blames Marxism for the situation, while Cuban officials point to U.S. embargoes as a contributing factor. Ongoing protests call for electricity, food, and fundamental freedoms in Cuba.

Cuban President Criticizes U.S. Amid Protests

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel criticizes the U.S. for interventionist actions and blames the U.S. blockade for sparking protests in Cuba over shortages of food and power. The government and the U.S. State Department exchanged accusations regarding the protests.

Crisis in Cuba: Food Shortages and Social Unrest

Cuba is facing a severe crisis with food shortages and blackouts, leading to social unrest. The government has asked the United Nations for aid, as the country struggles with economic challenges and a declining population.

Protests in Santiago against blackouts and shortages in Cuba

Protesters in Santiago demonstrate against blackouts and shortages in the midst of Cuba's economic crisis

Protests in Cuba Over Economic Crisis

Protests erupt in Cuba's second-largest city, Santiago, over food and power shortages amid worsening economic crisis. Demonstrations rare in tightly controlled communist-run island. U.S. sanctions and centrally planned economy blamed for economic woes. Calls for shift to market economy. U.S. and Cuba exchange words over protests. Cuban-American community rallies in support. Cuban-born rapper urges military to side with people. Large protests since July 11, 2021, ended in crackdown. Migration wave from the island. U.S. State Department denies backing protests.

Protests in Cuba

Protesters in Cuba took to the streets demanding power and food amidst blackouts and economic crisis. The government responded by blaming external forces for inciting unrest.

Protests in Cuba over Blackouts and Food Shortages

Hundreds in Cuba's second-largest city, Santiago, engaged in a rare public protest due to blackouts and food shortages, prompting President Miguel Diaz-Canel to call for dialogue. The protest was peaceful, and the U.S. embassy urged the Cuban government to address the legitimate needs of the people.

Cuban Government's Plan to Address Weakening Peso

The Cuban government is planning to take action to address the weakening peso, which has lost significant purchasing power. Economists are skeptical of a quick fix due to economic imbalances and lack of reforms.

Human Trafficking of Indian Men to Fight for Russia in Ukraine

The Indian Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has opened a case against a major human trafficking network luring Indian men to fight for Russia in Ukraine. Victims were tricked into military service under false pretenses, resulting in deaths and injuries. The CBI has confiscated money, detained suspects, and raided multiple locations. The Indian Foreign Ministry is working to secure the return of Indian nationals and has raised the issue with the Russian government. Similar cases have been reported in Nepal and Cuba.

Cuba Accuses U.S.-Based Journalists and Activists of Terrorism

Cuba's Communist Party accused U.S.-based journalists and activists of terrorism, raising concerns of potential Interpol red notices. The Biden administration is exploring options to address this misuse of the INTERPOL system.

Cuba's Request for Help from UN's Food Programme Due to Worsening Food Shortages

Cuba's government has requested help from the UN's food programme due to worsening food shortages, specifically asking for powdered milk for children under seven. The country is facing shortages of milk, fuel, and medicines, with the government blaming US sanctions and critics pointing to government mismanagement.

Progressive House Democrats' Secret Trip to Cuba

Progressive House Democrats, including Reps. Ilhan Omar and Pramila Jayapal, took a secret trip to Cuba to discuss human rights, drawing criticism from Rep. Nicole Malliotakis for supporting a government that pays its people $15 a month. The trip was not disclosed and not reported by Cuban state media.

Former U.S. Ambassador Charged with Spying for Cuba

Former U.S. ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha charged with working against the U.S. government for communist Cuba in 'clandestine intelligence-gathering missions.' Rocha served as a Cuban agent for over 40 years, obtaining classified information and affecting U.S. foreign policy. He pleaded guilty to multiple charges in federal court.

Former U.S. Diplomat Pleads Guilty to Working as Secret Agent for Cuba

Former U.S. diplomat Manuel Rocha pleads guilty to working as a secret agent for communist Cuba, facing potential prison time. The case is seen as a significant betrayal in U.S. foreign service history.

U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus members' undisclosed trip to Cuba

A delegation of U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus members, led by Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar, traveled to Cuba to discuss human rights and bilateral relations, not previously disclosed. They are critics of the U.S. embargo against Cuba and support normalizing relations with the communist government.

Cuba's 500% Fuel Price Hike Delay

Cuba delays 500% fuel price hike by a month due to 'cybersecurity incident'. Economy Minister relieved of duties. Prices for regular and premium gasoline to sharply increase. Tourists to pay for fuel in foreign currency. Cuban economy facing worst crisis since 1990s.

Cuban Entrepreneur Builds Trailers Amid Economic Crisis

Despite economic crisis in Cuba, Yosvany García builds and sells trailers for motorcycles and cars, using recycled materials and original designs to create affordable products, showcasing the resilience of Cuban entrepreneurs in the face of challenges from U.S. sanctions and government regulations.