Russia Recruiting Cuban Nationals for Ukraine Conflict

Russia has been recruiting Cuban nationals to bolster its forces in the Ukraine conflict, offering high pay and passports. The historical ties between Russia and Cuba make recruitment easier, with many enticed by lucrative army contracts and the chance to gain Russian citizenship. Some Cuban recruits may have been deceived about the job's nature, highlighting the difficulties faced by foreigners in conflict zones.

Key Points

  • Russia recruiting Cuban nationals for military service in Ukraine conflict
  • Cubans enticed by high pay, passports, and chance to gain Russian citizenship
  • Reports suggest some Cuban recruits may have been deceived about job nature
  • Cuban authorities have given conflicting statements about involvement in Ukraine conflict
  • Foreign fighters, including Cubans, joining Russian forces in Ukraine conflict


  • Helps offset significant losses in the Ukraine conflict
  • Provides economic opportunities for Cuban recruits
  • Strengthens historical ties between Russia and Cuba


  • Deception of recruits about job nature
  • Involvement in conflict zones can lead to tragic outcomes