DNA as Data Storage

DNA is not only responsible for genetic inheritance but also has the potential to be used for data storage. Scientists at MIT have developed a polymer that can preserve DNA and store massive amounts of information, potentially revolutionizing storage systems in the future.

Cold Case Murder Arrest with the Help of AI and Genealogy Databases

Anthony Scalici, a Florida man, was indicted for the 15-year-old cold case murder of his uncle in New York. DNA on a plastic fork he discarded at the crime scene led to his arrest.

Canadian police link murders of four young women to deceased U.S. fugitive

Canadian police have linked the deaths of four young women nearly 50 years ago to a now-deceased U.S. fugitive who hid in Canada from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s.

Scientific Reconstruction of Amenhotep III's Face

A scientific reconstruction of the face of Amenhotep III, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, has been revealed using data from his mummy. He ruled during a period of prosperity and international power, and was worshipped as divine in his lifetime. The reconstruction shows a placid face of a man who promoted peace and lived during economic prosperity.

Accidental Creation of Mouse Embryo with Six Legs and No Genitals

Scientists accidentally created a mouse embryo with six legs and no genitals, revealing how changes to DNA can impact development. The study focused on a protein called Tgfbr1, which affects gene expression and cell specialization. Further research could lead to a better understanding of DNA's role in diseases like cancer.

Genetic Analysis Reveals Fates of President George Washington’s Brother and Kin

Genetic analysis sheds light on the fates of President George Washington’s younger brother Samuel and his descendants, with assistance from a living relative. The investigation uses various DNA analysis techniques to uncover long-lost identities and connections in the Washington family, including the identification of unidentified remains from the mid-19th century.

Connection Between Denisovans and Homo Longi

Recent evidence suggests a possible connection between the mysterious Denisovans and the early human species Homo longi, with DNA traces revealing their presence in various locations and interbreeding with modern humans. Scientists believe Denisovans may have belonged to the Homo longi species characterized by distinctive physical features. The discovery of a Denisovan gene in Tibetans and other modern populations indicates their potential role in human evolution and adaptation to diverse environments. Research continues to explore the relationship between Denisovans, Homo sapiens, and Neanderthals, shedding light on the complex interactions and evolutionary paths of these ancient human groups.