Mutant Strain of Monkeypox in Democratic Republic of Congo

A mutant strain of monkeypox with 'pandemic potential' has been found in a town in the Democratic Republic of Congo, raising concerns about a possible global outbreak. The virus is more infectious and better at evading tests than its predecessor, and urgent measures are needed to contain it. The outbreak is spreading in a poor, densely populated gold mining town called Kamituga.

Refugee Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda

The Nkamira Transit Camp in Rwanda is home to over 6,000 refugees fleeing violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where conflict is escalating and threatening to become a regional war.

Nkamira Transit Camp and Refugee Crisis in Eastern DRC

The Nkamira Transit Camp is home to over 6,000 refugees escaping violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a conflict stemming from the 1994 Rwandan genocide.