Mutant Strain of Monkeypox in Democratic Republic of Congo

A mutant strain of monkeypox with 'pandemic potential' has been found in a town in the Democratic Republic of Congo, raising concerns about a possible global outbreak. The virus is more infectious and better at evading tests than its predecessor, and urgent measures are needed to contain it. The outbreak is spreading in a poor, densely populated gold mining town called Kamituga.

Key Points

  • Mutant strain of monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of Congo with pandemic potential.
  • Virus is more infectious and better at evading tests than its predecessor.
  • Urgent measures needed to contain the virus and prevent a global outbreak.
  • Outbreak is spreading in Kamituga, a densely populated gold mining town.
  • International collaboration among scientists and health experts to address the outbreak.


  • Researchers have identified the mutant strain of monkeypox early, allowing for potential containment measures to be implemented.
  • International collaboration among scientists and health experts is in place to address the outbreak.
  • Findings from the research have been shared with health ministers from multiple countries for further discussion and action.


  • The new mutant strain of monkeypox has 'pandemic potential' and is more infectious than previous strains, posing a significant threat.
  • The town of Kamituga, where the outbreak is occurring, lacks adequate healthcare infrastructure to handle a large-scale epidemic.
  • There have already been two deaths reported among the 108 cases of the new mutant strain.