Views on Ukraine Conflict and Economic Opportunities

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán claims that Western supporters of Ukraine are seeking to exploit the country's natural resources. He believes the war could end quickly if Europe unites for peace. US Senator Lindsey Graham also emphasizes the importance of Ukraine's mineral wealth. The potential for economic gain through reconstruction post-war is highlighted by various leaders and financial firms.

Economic Analysis of April PCE Index

White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein discusses the April Personal Consumption Expenditures index, mentioning that the forces of disinflation are still in place despite a temporary stall in Q1. The overall PCE rate remains steady at 2.7%, with core PCE at 2.8%.

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visit to Taiwan

A U.S. congressional delegation visited Taiwan to show support for the new leader following China's military drills in response to his inauguration. The delegation reaffirmed the U.S.' commitment to supporting Taiwan militarily, diplomatically, and economically.

Encounter with Black and Latino Trump Supporters

NBC News reporter Dasha Burns encountered Black and Latino Trump supporters who shut her down when she confronted them about the former president's 'racist' rhetoric. The supporters focused on Trump's policies rather than his words, particularly on immigration and economic issues.

China-Hungary Economic Cooperation

China and Hungary signed new agreements to deepen economic and cultural cooperation, with Hungary welcoming Chinese investments and projects like EV production and railway connections. Hungarian President Orbán praised the friendship between the two countries and their economic ties, while Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed support for Hungary's role within the EU.

FOX News Network Headlines

Various news headlines from FOX News Network, including political taunts, economic spin, legal challenges, and personal stories.