China-Hungary Economic Cooperation

China and Hungary signed new agreements to deepen economic and cultural cooperation, with Hungary welcoming Chinese investments and projects like EV production and railway connections. Hungarian President Orbán praised the friendship between the two countries and their economic ties, while Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed support for Hungary's role within the EU.

Key Points

  • China investing billions in Hungary, including EV production and railway projects
  • Hungary aims to become a hub for lithium-ion battery manufacturing
  • Orbán seeks to expand economic cooperation with China in nuclear energy
  • Xi and Orbán support the Belt and Road Initiative and China's role in the EU
  • Increased Chinese presence and influence in Hungary's economy and infrastructure


  • Deepening economic and cultural cooperation between China and Hungary
  • Potential for increased Chinese investments in Hungary
  • Opportunities for modern technology cooperation between East and West in Hungary


  • Concerns about Chinese influence in Europe through investments
  • Criticism of Hungary's nationalist populist leader's alignment with China
  • Minor conflicts between Chinese nationals and Tibetan protesters during Xi's visit