Ecuador Blackout

A blackout in Ecuador left the entire nation without power for the first time in 20 years, revealing the fragility of the energy system. The outage was blamed on an incident with a transmission line in southern Ecuador.

Nationwide Electricity Outage in Ecuador

A nationwide electricity outage struck Ecuador, leaving the nation in the dark and affecting the capital's subway system. The outage was caused by a failure in the transmission line, leading to confusion on the streets and halting subway operations.

Reinstatement of Entry Visa Requirements for Chinese Nationals in Ecuador

Ecuador will reinstate entry visa requirements for Chinese nationals due to an increase in illegal immigration, many of whom leave for other countries, including the United States. Chinese citizens have been using Ecuador's visa waiver agreement to reach South America and ultimately seek asylum in the U.S. via the dangerous Darién Gap jungle trail.

Ecuador reinstates visa requirement for Chinese travelers

Ecuador reinstates visa requirement for Chinese travelers due to increase in irregular migratory flows, many overstaying the permitted 90-day period. China opposes human smuggling and emphasizes the importance of maintaining good order in cross-border travel.

Mexico accuses Ecuador of violating international law

Mexico accuses Ecuador of violating international law by storming the Mexican Embassy in Quito to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been granted asylum. Both countries have filed cases at the International Court of Justice against each other.

Diplomatic Dispute Between Ecuador and Mexico

Ecuador filed a complaint at the International Court of Justice against Mexico for granting political asylum to a former Ecuadorian vice president, leading to a controversial raid on the Mexican embassy by Ecuadorian authorities.

Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa and referendum on security measures

Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa is likely to win a referendum on new security measures despite power cuts affecting his image. The referendum asks voters to support measures like allowing the military to patrol with police and increasing prison sentences for crimes like terrorism and murder.

Ecuador's Energy Crisis and Political Situation

Ecuador orders public and private sector workers to take Thursday and Friday off to save energy due to unprecedented power outages. President Daniel Noboa fires energy minister Andrea Arrobo, blames crisis on environmental circumstances and corruption. Critics concerned about Noboa's authoritarian actions.

Closure of Venezuelan Embassy and Consulates in Ecuador

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro orders closure of country's embassy and consulates in Ecuador in solidarity with Mexico over Ecuadorian authorities' raid on the Mexican Embassy in Quito. Maduro recalls diplomatic personnel and demands political asylum for former Vice President Jorge Glas, held in a maximum-security prison in Guayaquil.

Venezuelan President Orders Closure of Venezuelan Diplomatic Missions in Ecuador

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro ordered the closure of his country’s embassy and consulates in Ecuador in solidarity with Mexico over a raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito. Maduro and other presidents expressed support for Mexico’s request to suspend Ecuador from the United Nations. Ecuadorian President ordered the raid to arrest a fugitive at the embassy, leading to condemnation worldwide.

Mexico-Ecuador Diplomatic Incident

Mexico released security camera video of Ecuadorian authorities breaking into Mexico's embassy, pushing a Mexican diplomat to the ground, and carrying out Ecuador's former vice president who had been hiding there. The incident escalated tensions between the two countries.

Arrest of Ecuador's Former Vice President in Mexican Embassy Raid

Police in Quito, Ecuador, stormed the Mexican embassy and arrested Ecuador's former vice president, leading Mexico to sever diplomatic ties with Ecuador.

Diplomatic Incident between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico's President ordered an end to diplomatic relations with Ecuador after Ecuadoran police forces stormed the Mexican Embassy to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas Espinel, who was seeking asylum.

Diplomatic Incident Between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico breaks off diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police arrest former Ecuadorian vice president seeking asylum in Mexican embassy in Quito on corruption charges, leading to a diplomatic rift and accusations of violations of international law.

Diplomatic Crisis between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico breaks off diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police break into Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president seeking political asylum due to corruption charges. Tensions escalate between the two countries with accusations of violations of international law.

Assassination of Brigitte Garcia, Mayor of San Vicente, Ecuador

The youngest mayor in Ecuador's history, Brigitte Garcia, was found shot dead alongside her communications director in a car on the side of a road in Ecuador. The incident is believed to be an assassination. The country is facing a wave of violence linked to drug trafficking.

Indigenous Women's March in Puyo, Ecuador

Indigenous women from the Ecuadorian Amazon march in Puyo to demand rights, protection of the Amazon, and equality, highlighting their ongoing resistance and fight against violence.

Marcha de Mujeres Indígenas en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana

Mujeres indígenas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana se reunieron en una marcha el 8 de marzo para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer y luchar por la protección de la Amazonía, visibilizar sus derechos y demandar igualdad, vida digna y defensa territorial.

State of Emergency in Ecuador due to Drug Trafficking Violence

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa extends state of emergency due to rising violence from drug trafficking gangs, resulting in decreased homicides and significant security force operations.

Global Democracy Setbacks in 2023

Democracy faced setbacks worldwide in 2023 with violence and manipulation marring elections. Freedom House downgraded Ecuador from free to partly free and upgraded Thailand from not free to partly free. Political rights and civil liberties declined in 52 countries, with only 21 countries showing improvements.