Reinstatement of Entry Visa Requirements for Chinese Nationals in Ecuador

Ecuador will reinstate entry visa requirements for Chinese nationals due to an increase in illegal immigration, many of whom leave for other countries, including the United States. Chinese citizens have been using Ecuador's visa waiver agreement to reach South America and ultimately seek asylum in the U.S. via the dangerous Darién Gap jungle trail.

Key Points

  • Ecuador to suspend visa waiver agreement for Chinese nationals
  • Increase in Chinese nationals entering Ecuador and not leaving within the visa waiver period
  • Chinese citizens using Ecuador as a gateway to reach the U.S. for asylum
  • Concerns about human smuggling activities via Ecuador


  • Preventing irregular immigration flows
  • Enhancing national immigration control
  • Combatting human trafficking and migrant smuggling


  • Potential negative impact on Chinese citizens genuinely visiting Ecuador
  • Disruption of cross-border travel and cooperation between China and Ecuador