Effects of Aeroplane Travel on the Human Body

Aeroplane travel has various effects on the body, including lower blood pressure and increased heart rate at cruising altitude. Factors like dehydration, circadian rhythms, and cabin pressure impact passengers' health. Recommendations include staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol, taking regular breaks, and adjusting to new time zones.

The Impact of Exercise on the Body at the Cellular and Molecular Level

A groundbreaking study by MoTrPAC has revealed the profound effects of exercise on the body at the cellular and molecular level, identifying widespread changes in response to endurance training across multiple organs and biological pathways. The findings suggest that exercise can benefit every part of the body, with potential implications for targeted interventions and drug development.

Gun Violence

NPR's Morning Edition discusses the effects of gun violence with organizers, elected officials, and regular people.

Research on Terpenes and THC Effects in Marijuana

Scientists are researching the effects of terpenes in combination with THC in marijuana, with initial findings showing that certain terpenes can reduce anxiety caused by THC exposure. This study challenges the claims made by the cannabis industry and may lead to the development of medical cannabis products with reduced negative side effects.