Euthanasia Law in Canada

A headline from the Daily Mail about an Alberta judge greenlighting euthanasia for a 27-year-old autistic woman despite objections from her dad has caused concern.

Medical Assistance in Dying Law in Canada

A story about an Alberta judge greenlighting euthanasia for a 27-year-old autistic woman despite objections from her dad, citing mental health problems.

Euthanasia of Dutch Woman Due to Mental Illness

A 28-year-old Dutch woman is slated to be euthanized next month due to her struggles with mental illness, despite being physically healthy. The Netherlands legalized euthanasia in 2001.

Assisted Suicide and Mental Health

The article discusses the case of Zoraya ter Beek, a 28-year-old woman in the Netherlands who plans to undergo euthanasia due to mental illness. It explores the growing trend of young people choosing assisted suicide for reasons beyond terminal illness, raising concerns about the normalization of suicide.