Assisted Suicide and Mental Health

The article discusses the case of Zoraya ter Beek, a 28-year-old woman in the Netherlands who plans to undergo euthanasia due to mental illness. It explores the growing trend of young people choosing assisted suicide for reasons beyond terminal illness, raising concerns about the normalization of suicide.

Key Points

  • Zoraya ter Beek's decision to undergo euthanasia due to depression, autism, and borderline personality disorder
  • Growing trend of young individuals choosing assisted suicide for reasons beyond terminal illness
  • Critics warn of suicide contagion due to destigmatization and glamorization of suicide
  • Statistics show a significant increase in euthanasia cases in the Netherlands since its legalization in 2001


  • Provides insight into the complex decision-making process of individuals considering euthanasia
  • Sheds light on the evolving ethical debates surrounding assisted suicide and mental health


  • Raises concerns about the potential normalization and glamorization of suicide
  • Highlights the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in addressing mental health issues