Tragic Event: Son Strangles Mother After Eviction Notice

A 19-year-old son in Indiana strangled his mother after she served him an eviction notice. He has been charged with aggravated battery and murder. The mother, Shanelle Burns, was an assistant vice president at Loyola University in Chicago.

Homeowner Evicts Squatters in Michigan

A homeowner in Michigan successfully evicts squatters next door after years of illegal activity, causing chaos and fear in the neighborhood.

New York City Mayor defends plan to evict migrants from shelter system

New York City Mayor Eric Adams defends city's plan to evict migrants from shelter system amid criticism.

Death Penalty for Kansas City Man Charged with Murder

Missouri prosecutors intend to seek the death penalty for a man charged with murder of a court employee and a police officer during an eviction notice attempt.

Saudi Arabian Government Eviction Tactics for Neom Project

Former Saudi intelligence officer claims government is killing individuals for refusing eviction ahead of construction of futuristic eco-city. Neom project heavily funded by Western nations. Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman focuses on project, hoping for modernization of kingdom.

Eviction of Migrants in Paris Ahead of Olympic Games

French authorities conducted a large-scale eviction at a squat in Paris ahead of the Olympic Games, displacing around 450 migrants without providing long-term housing assistance. Advocacy groups are concerned about the accelerated pace of camp clearances as the Games approach.

Squatting couple evicted from New York home

A couple in New York attempted to squat in a home, falsely claiming a lease with a deceased owner. After causing chaos in the neighborhood, they were finally evicted by local sheriffs.

Squatters take over Gordon Ramsay's London pub

A group of 'professional squatters' took over a London pub owned by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and are threatening legal action against eviction. Ramsay is trying to secure an eviction notice as the squatters have boarded up the windows and locked the door.

Squatters and Property Rights

The article discusses the issue of squatters in neighborhoods, linking it to efforts to undermine property rights. It highlights incidents involving squatters, including a murder in New York. Progressives are accused of promoting squatting by misusing tenant protections. Various states have laws on adverse possession and eviction processes for squatters. Florida has passed a law allowing immediate eviction of squatters.

Legal Battle to Evict Squatter in Texas

Texas homeowners Yudith Matthews and Abram Mendez discuss their legal battles to evict a squatter who refuses to leave their fixer-upper property, leading to a legal nightmare.

Crackdown on Squatters

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill cracking down on squatters after a woman in Dallas documented her nightmare experience with a squatter who trashed her home and sold her belongings while she was away caring for a family member. The squatter took advantage of 'squatters' rights laws, making it difficult for the homeowner to evict them.

Anti-Squatting Bill in Florida

Florida property owners will benefit from an anti-squatting bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, aimed at strengthening penalties for illegal squatters and making it easier for homeowners to evict them.

Legal Battle Over Homeownership in New York City

Fox News reports on a family's legal battle to reclaim their home in New York City from alleged squatters following the death of the parents. The homeowner, Adele Andaloro, encountered resistance from individuals claiming squatters' rights but is pursuing eviction through legal channels.

SS United States - Facing Eviction

The SS United States, once the fastest ocean liner, is facing eviction from its pier in Philadelphia after more than 25 years. The ship holds the record for the fastest Atlantic crossing and could have been converted into a troopship during the Cold War. Famous celebrities like Marlon Brando and Salvador Dali sailed on it. Legal battles over rent have put the ship's future in jeopardy, and efforts are being made to find it a new home to prevent it from being lost forever.

Squatter in New York City Suburb

A family in New York City suburb faces challenges evicting a squatter from a $2 million house next door, leading to legal battles and issues with the property.