Squatters and Property Rights

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
The article discusses the issue of squatters in neighborhoods, linking it to efforts to undermine property rights. It highlights incidents involving squatters, including a murder in New York. Progressives are accused of promoting squatting by misusing tenant protections. Various states have laws on adverse possession and eviction processes for squatters. Florida has passed a law allowing immediate eviction of squatters.

Key Points

  • Incidents of squatters associated with drugs and prostitution
  • Progressives accused of promoting squatting by misusing tenant protections
  • States have laws on adverse possession and eviction processes for squatters
  • Florida has passed a law allowing immediate eviction of squatters


  • Raises awareness about the issue of squatters and its impact on property rights
  • Highlights the need for legal reforms to address squatting problems


  • Presents a one-sided view on the topic without discussing potential reasons for squatting