Feminist Protests Against Marine Le Pen in France

Feminist groups in France protest against Marine Le Pen's party despite gaining more women voters. Le Pen has tried to rebrand her party as pro-women's rights, but many remain skeptical. Despite some changes, protesters argue that the National Rally still poses a threat to women's rights.

Far Right Surge in Europe and Macron's Snap Election

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a snap election to halt the surge of the far right in Europe, risking his own power and legacy in the process. The far right made significant gains in the recent European Parliament elections, leading to concerns about the future political landscape in France and beyond.

French Election Results and Political Response

Marine Le Pen's populist-nationalist party, RN, won twice as many votes as Emmanuel Macron's globalist centrists in the European Parliament election, leading Macron to dissolve the national parliament and call for fresh French elections.

Rise of National Rally in French Politics

The far-right National Rally led by Marine Le Pen is gaining support among higher-earning professionals and older voters who were previously hesitant due to the party's founder. The party is polling at a historic high in the European elections, causing concern among mainstream politicians. Immigration, crime, and economic concerns are driving support for the National Rally. There is a shift in voter demographics with more educated professionals and older individuals turning to the far right.

Far-right National Rally in France

France's far-right National Rally is banking on its youthful and charismatic party leader, Jordan Bardella, to make significant gains in upcoming European elections. Bardella has brought a fresh perspective to the party, appealing to a diverse voter base and presenting a more approachable image.