Gallup Poll Favorability Ratings of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Gallup shows Trump with an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over Biden, despite negative media coverage. Trump's favorability has increased to 46%, while Biden's has decreased to 37%. Trump's net favorable rating is -6 points, while Biden's is -24 points.

Turning Point USA’s Women’s Leadership Conference

Turning Point USA’s Women’s Leadership Conference, a big conservative event for women, will take place in San Antonio, Texas, featuring prominent speakers. The event aims to challenge fallacies of the radical left, particularly on modern feminism. It comes amidst a politically charged time in the U.S., with emphasis on issues like targeting Donald Trump, inflation, and illegal immigration. The event highlights the challenges faced by women in society and the shift towards liberalism among younger women.

Immigration as the Top Problem in the U.S.

Immigration has been named as the most important problem facing the U.S. by 27% of Americans for the third consecutive month, with Republicans more likely to mention it than Democrats or Independents. This issue has topped Gallup's list four times since 2000 and has become increasingly polarizing between political parties.

Sleep and Stress Trends in the U.S.

A recent Gallup poll shows that a majority of U.S. adults feel they need more sleep, with a significant decrease in the number of hours of sleep people are getting per night. Stress levels are also on the rise, with a strong connection between sleep and stress. Younger women are particularly affected by these trends.

Religious Service Attendance in the U.S.

Church attendance in the U.S. has declined over the past two decades, with only 30% of adults attending religious services weekly or almost every week. The most observant group is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, followed by Protestants, Muslims, and Catholics. Majorities of Jewish, Orthodox, Buddhist, and Hindu Americans seldom or never attend religious services.

World Happiness Report

The U.S. dropped to 23rd in the World Happiness Report, with countries like Finland and Denmark consistently ranking among the happiest. Americans feel glum about various issues including loneliness, the economy, and political leadership.

LGBTQ+ Identification Among Generation Z Women

A Gallup survey shows that 30% of Generation Z women identify as LGBTQ+, with 20.7% identifying as bisexual, driving the increase in LGBTQ+ identification among this demographic. LGBTQ+ identification in the U.S. has grown to 7.6%, up from 5.6% four years ago. Bisexual identification is highest among younger generations.

Increase in LGBTQ+ Identification in the U.S.

The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years, with 7.6% aligning themselves with the LGBTQ+ community in 2023, up from 3.5% in 2012.