Gallup Poll Favorability Ratings of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Gallup shows Trump with an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over Biden, despite negative media coverage. Trump's favorability has increased to 46%, while Biden's has decreased to 37%. Trump's net favorable rating is -6 points, while Biden's is -24 points.

Key Points

  • Trump's favorability is at 46% - the highest since April 2020.
  • Biden's favorable rating is at 37% - the lowest since 2007.
  • Trump's net favorable rating is -6 points, while Biden's is -24 points.
  • Trump enjoys an 18-point favorability advantage over Biden.


  • Trump's favorability has increased since the prior reading in December.
  • Trump has an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over Biden.


  • Biden's favorability has decreased to 37%.
  • Biden's net favorable rating is -24 points.