Poll on Voter Trust in Biden vs. Trump on Immigration

A poll by CNN/SSRS shows that fewer voters trust President Biden over former President Trump on handling immigration, with Trump leading by six points. Democrats are concerned about Biden's re-election efforts, with many voters preferring someone else at the top of the ticket in 2024.

Ukrainian Preference for U.S. Presidents

A poll in Ukraine shows President Joe Biden is significantly more popular than former President Donald Trump, with 46.7% preferring Biden for Ukraine's war effort. Biden has sent over $66 billion in aid to Ukraine since the start of the war with Russia.

2024 Election Rematch Poll Results

Former President Trump has surpassed President Biden in a new national poll following their 2024 election rematch debate. Biden faced criticism for his performance, with calls for him to step aside as the Democratic Party's 2024 standard-bearer.

Poll on Democrat Voters' Opinion of President Joe Biden for 2024 Race

A poll found that 41% of Democrat voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race, with 51% wanting him to remain. Sixty-four percent of independents want Biden replaced. The poll reflects concerns about Biden's debate performance.

New Hampshire Presidential Election Poll

A recent survey by the Saint Anselm College Survey Center shows President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump among New Hampshire registered voters by two points, with 44% supporting Trump and 42% supporting Biden. The poll indicates a significant shift from the previous poll in December.

2024 Election Poll Results

A new poll shows former President Trump leading over President Biden in Michigan. Pressure mounts on Biden after a widely criticized debate performance.

Corporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs

A Rasmussen Reports poll found that 48% of Americans believe corporate DEI programs discriminate against white men. Some Americans think these programs are used to discriminate, while others believe they make companies better. Politics plays a role in perceptions, with Republicans more likely to believe DEI makes companies worse. Tractor Supply recently backed away from its DEI policies after consumer backlash.

Public Perception of the U.S. Supreme Court

A new poll finds that 7 in 10 Americans believe Supreme Court justices are more likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral arbiters of government authority. Confidence in the Supreme Court remains low, with only 4 in 10 U.S. adults expressing trust in the justices. The poll reflects a continued erosion of confidence in the Court, which was more trusted a decade ago.

Voters' Trust in Trump vs. Biden on Democracy

The View co-host Joy Behar expresses concern over voters trusting Trump more than Biden on threats to democracy. A poll found that 44% of key swing state voters trust Trump more, compared to 33% for Biden. Behar criticizes undecided voters and highlights the GOP's stance on issues like gay marriage and women's rights.

Gallup Poll Favorability Ratings of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Gallup shows Trump with an 18-point net favorable rating advantage over Biden, despite negative media coverage. Trump's favorability has increased to 46%, while Biden's has decreased to 37%. Trump's net favorable rating is -6 points, while Biden's is -24 points.

Public Perception of the U.S. Supreme Court

A new poll finds that 7 in 10 Americans believe Supreme Court justices are more influenced by their own ideology rather than being fair and impartial arbiters of government authority, indicating a lack of confidence in the court's neutrality.

2024 Presidential Election in Nevada

Former President Trump leads in a key battleground state in the 2024 presidential election according to a new poll. Nevada Senate candidate and U.S. Army Captain (Ret.) Sam Brown reacts to Trump's endorsement and what inspired him to run for office.

2024 Presidential Debate Preparation

President Biden is heading into the first presidential debate with a notably uneasy base of support, according to a new poll. Republicans are more satisfied with Trump as their candidate compared to Democrats with Biden.

2024 Presidential Race in New York State

Former President Trump is down by single digits to President Biden in New York State according to a recent poll. Biden leads Trump 47%-39% among registered voters. Biden has support from 75% of Democrats, while Trump has support from 85% of Republicans and leads with independents.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul halts congestion pricing program

New York Governor Kathy Hochul halts controversial congestion pricing program, facing record low approval ratings. President Biden's favorability also at a low in New York. Voters support Hochul's decision but split on Biden vs. Trump in upcoming election.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

President Biden leads in a hypothetical matchup against former President Trump, with positive views of the economy improving. Trump retains support among certain demographics while Biden gains among others. Survey shows Biden's approval ratings are on the rise, particularly in handling of the economy and inflation.

British Politics: Reform Party Surpasses Conservatives in Poll

A poll by YouGov shows Nigel Farage's Reform Party ahead of the Conservatives for the first time ever, marking a significant moment in British politics. The Conservatives are being challenged from the right in a General Election.

Biden's Border Crisis and Executive Order on Migrant Crossings

Senator Tom Cotton discusses Biden's border crisis and executive order on migrant crossings at the southern border, facing criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Poll shows mixed reactions from voters on the order's toughness and effectiveness.

Poll on Palestinian Support for October 7 Attacks and War with Israel

A poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research shows that 67% of Palestinians still support the October 7 terror attacks and believe that Hamas will win the war with Israel. Support for the attacks dropped in Gaza but rose in the West Bank. Most Palestinians believe the conflict has garnered international attention and could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood. The poll also reveals opinions on humanitarian issues, the perceived effectiveness of a U.S.-built pier, and awareness of Hamas atrocities.

President Joe Biden's Economy and Inflation

A CBS News poll found that only 7% of voters believe President Joe Biden's economy is very good, with 34% saying it is very bad. Inflation and the economy are top concerns for voters, while interest rates are expected to remain higher for longer. Inflation rates under Biden have been significantly high compared to previous presidents.

Public Opinion on Prioritizing Marriage and Children

Pew Research Center poll shows only 19% of Biden voters believe society benefits from prioritizing marriage and children, compared to 59% of Trump supporters. Men and black Biden voters more likely to support this idea. Survey also reveals opinions on the nation's low birth rate.

President Biden's Student Loan Approval Ratings

A new national poll shows that only 30% of Americans approve of President Biden's handling of student loan debt. There is a deep divide over the issue of student debt relief, with different groups having varying levels of support.

Public Perception of Politicians and Transgender Issues

A majority of Americans believe politicians use transgender issues to distract from important political fights. The poll shows mixed views on whether the attention to transgenderism is good or bad for society. President Biden's support for transgender rights is viewed as a distraction by many. There is also a discussion on hate crimes against gay and transgender kids in states with anti-LGBTQ+ bills.

Public Opinion on Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

CBS host Margaret Brennan expresses surprise at majority support for deporting all illegal immigrants in a recent poll. The poll also showed support for Biden's latest executive actions at the southern border.

Impact of Former President Trump's Felony Conviction on 2024 Election

President Biden leads his Republican rival in a two-way race for the White House following former President Trump's felony conviction for falsifying business records. However, when third-party options are introduced, the race becomes extremely close. Trump's conviction has not significantly changed public opinion of him, with many of his supporters sticking by him despite the conviction.

Poll Results: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump maintains a slight edge over President Joe Biden nationally in a recent poll, with 50% of likely voters backing Trump compared to 49% for Biden. Trump also leads among independents and has more enthusiastic supporters.

Public Expectations on Migration Policies of U.S. Presidents

Americans have low expectations for President Joe Biden to reduce migration in a second term, while many expect President Donald Trump to address the issue. The public is concerned about the influx of migrants and supports efforts to trim economic migration. Biden's policies have led to the importation of millions of migrants, impacting various aspects of American life negatively.

Public Opinion on LGBTQ+ Rights in America

A recent nationwide poll conducted by the Los Angeles Times shows broad support for LGBTQ+ rights, including same-sex marriage and anti-discrimination laws. However, support for transgender and nonbinary individuals is lower, especially among Republicans and those who don't personally know any LGBTQ+ individuals.

Chronic Absenteeism in Students

A poll examines parents' attitudes toward chronic absenteeism, a major education issue this year due to a high number of students missing many days of school.

Michigan Poll: Trump Leads Biden

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in Michigan according to a recent survey. Trump leads in a head-to-head matchup by 2 percentage points and in a five-way contest with third party candidates included. Democrats are unhappy with Biden as their nominee, with a majority wanting to replace him.

Tulsi Gabbard leads as potential VP choice for Trump

Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard leads in a poll as the preferred running mate for former President Donald Trump in a key Northeastern swing state, despite now being an independent.

TV News Anchors Trust Poll

A new poll conducted by THR/Morning Consult shows that Lester Holt leads in trust among TV news anchors, with other network TV hosts also scoring high. Cable news hosts like Anderson Cooper and Chris Wallace also have high trust ratings. The poll also reveals the highly polarized audiences of different news networks and the importance of trust and entertainment in news consumption.

2024 Presidential Election Poll

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are in a close race for the 2024 election according to a Quinnipiac University poll. There are concerns about third-party candidates affecting the outcome, and voters have varying opinions on key issues such as the economy, democracy, and immigration.

Florida Voters' Support for Trump and Abortion Rights Amendment

Florida voters are more likely to support former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election but also express majority support for a proposed ballot measure enshrining the right to abortion in the state constitution. The poll found that 54% would vote for Trump and 60% would support Amendment 4, which protects the right to abortion before viability.

Public Opinion on Deportation vs Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in the U.S.

A new poll shows that a majority of likely U.S. voters prefer deporting all illegal aliens rather than giving them amnesty. The survey also reveals that working and lower-middle-class Americans are highly supportive of deportations, while those most likely to hire illegal aliens oppose such a policy.

Voter Sentiment and Trust in Political Parties

Only 39% of voters say they are better off today than they were four years ago, according to a poll. The poll also shows significant distrust in the Democratic Party's ability to handle the economy and immigration.

Supporters Rally for Trump in the Bronx

Supporters of former President Donald Trump gathered in the Bronx to show their support ahead of his upcoming visit. Videos show enthusiastic supporters chanting and promoting Trump. Trump's visit to the South Bronx follows a successful rally in New Jersey. Polls indicate his popularity among certain demographics.

2024 White House Race Poll

Former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in a 2024 White House race poll, with Trump maintaining an edge over Biden in a five-way race as well. Biden's numbers have improved since the last poll, with an uptick in support among black voters and his highest approval rating since January 2023.

Poll showing Trump leading Biden among independents

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden among independents according to an I&I/TIPP Poll. Trump is favored over Biden in a head-to-head race and gains support from various demographics including African-Americans and Hispanics. The survey also shows more people believe Trump will win the election.

Poll showing independents view Biden as more dangerous to democracy than Trump

A recent poll shows that a majority of independents consider President Biden more dangerous to democracy than former President Trump, surprising MSNBC analysts. Biden and Trump are tied in a new national poll for the upcoming presidential race.

Comparison of perceived threat to democracy between Biden and Trump among independent voters

Independent voters believe President Joe Biden is a greater threat to democracy than former President Donald Trump, as shown by the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Trump's polling numbers have improved among key demographics, such as suburban women and minority groups.

Virginia GOP Primary for Fifth Congressional District

State Sen. John McGuire is leading U.S. Rep. Bob Good in the GOP primary for Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District, with a significant shift in support since December. McGuire has gained 21 points while Good has lost 15 points.

2024 Pennsylvania Poll Results: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, according to a recent AARP poll. Trump leads Biden by four percentage points in a head-to-head matchup and five points when third-party candidates are included. Trump's lead is attributed to more consolidated support from Republicans and a slight edge with Independents. Biden has a negative net job approval rating, while Trump has a positive rating.

Business Records Trial of Former President Donald Trump

A Suffolk University/USA Today poll shows that most voters predict former President Donald Trump will be convicted on some charges in the business records trial. The trial is perceived as unfair by a plurality of voters. New York County Judge Juan Merchan found Trump in criminal contempt of court for violating a gag order.

Poll on Trust in Trump and Biden on Economy and Inflation

A poll shows that more Americans trust former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden on handling inflation and the economy. Americans are split on which candidate is better equipped to protect democracy.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election Poll

Trump and Biden are in a tight race for the presidency with Trump leading in trust to handle most issues but Biden scoring competitively on key personal attributes. Biden leads among likely voters but both candidates face challenges and lack strong approval ratings. Historical data suggests that Biden has a tough road ahead but not an impossible one.

U.S. Catholic Voters Favor Trump Over Biden

U.S. Catholics are leaning towards former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden, according to a recent Pew Research poll. Trump has majority support among Catholics, with a 12-point difference over Biden. The survey also shows Trump leading among other religious groups.

West Virginia Republican Gubernatorial Primary

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey leads in the Republican gubernatorial primary with a seven-point lead over his nearest competitor, according to a recent poll. His support has increased since the previous poll, while his opponents have seen fluctuations in their numbers.

Public Perception of Trump and Biden's Leadership

A poll by The Economist/YouGov shows that a majority of Americans view former President Donald Trump as a strong leader and President Joe Biden as a weak leader. The poll also indicates that Trump narrowly leads Biden in a hypothetical presidential contest.

Americans' Perception of China's TikTok App

A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that a majority of Americans believe China's TikTok app is used to influence U.S. public opinion and spy on Americans. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to hold this belief. President Biden signed a bill requiring ByteDance to sell TikTok within nine months or face a ban. The TikTok CEO plans to challenge this in court.

Trust Issues in News Coverage of the 2024 Election Campaign

A poll from the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals that many Americans are concerned about inaccuracies, misinformation, and biased reporting in news coverage of the 2024 election campaign.

Trust Issues in News Coverage of the 2024 Election Campaign

A recent poll reveals that about half of Americans are concerned about inaccuracies, misinformation, and bias in news coverage of the 2024 election campaign. Trust in news organizations is low, partly due to years of suspicion and lack of understanding about journalism. Older adults are more engaged in election news than younger adults, who are more likely to get news from social media. Democrats are more likely to get election news from national outlets, while Republicans express more concern about inaccurate information in news coverage.

Immigration as the Top Problem in the U.S.

Immigration has been named as the most important problem facing the U.S. by 27% of Americans for the third consecutive month, with Republicans more likely to mention it than Democrats or Independents. This issue has topped Gallup's list four times since 2000 and has become increasingly polarizing between political parties.

Public Opinion on Former President Trump's Legal Troubles

A Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that over half of voters believe former President Trump has committed crimes and should be convicted. Despite this, many still support him as a candidate for the Oval Office.

US Support for Israel vs. Hamas

A poll shows that 80% of registered voters in the US support Israel more than Hamas in the conflict, with older voters more likely to support Israel. Despite pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, support for Israel remains high.

Voter Sentiment on Biden's Economic Management in Swing States

A CBS News poll found that about half of voters in swing states Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan believe the economy got worse under President Joe Biden's management. Biden's poor marks in these swing states could impact his chances of reelection.

Immigration and Border Security

An overwhelming number of Americans support building Trump's border wall, tightening immigration rules, and mass deportations, according to a recent poll. The issue of immigration has become a key focus in the 2024 presidential election.

Florida Abortion Amendment

A proposed amendment in Florida to create a constitutional right to abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy is falling short of the 60 percent support needed to pass, based on a poll by Florida Atlantic University. Democrats largely support the measure, while Republicans are divided and unsure.

Abortion Laws in the U.S.

A new poll found that 66% of American voters believe abortion should not be legal past three months of pregnancy. The survey also revealed that both pro-choice and pro-life voters do not hold extreme views on the issue.

Massachusetts Residents' Concerns on Migrants/Immigration

A recent poll in Massachusetts showed that an increasing number of residents believe that migrants/immigration is the most important issue for state leaders to address. The poll also highlighted other pressing issues such as housing, taxes/government spending/welfare, inflation, and the economy. Massachusetts residents expressed varying degrees of concern regarding the migrant situation, with 67% considering it a problem.

Heritage Foundation Poll on Funding Ukraine vs. Securing US Border

Swing-state voters are increasingly tired of America's endless funding of Ukraine and want the southern border secured. The Heritage Foundation poll shows that a majority prioritize securing the U.S. border over providing aid to Ukraine.

Hush Money Trial of Ex-President Donald Trump

Ex-President Donald Trump is facing a hush money trial in New York, with many Americans doubting if he committed any crime. Supporters claim it's political persecution to sideline him from the 2024 presidential race.

Public Opinion on President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump

A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden's America is on the wrong track, with more positive views on former President Donald Trump's presidency. Views on Trump's handling of the economy, immigration, and law and order have improved in hindsight. Despite facing legal issues, voters are changing their minds about the Trump era.

Sleep and Stress Trends in the U.S.

A recent Gallup poll shows that a majority of U.S. adults feel they need more sleep, with a significant decrease in the number of hours of sleep people are getting per night. Stress levels are also on the rise, with a strong connection between sleep and stress. Younger women are particularly affected by these trends.

U.S. Politics

A recent poll shows that roughly a third of Democrat voters feel President Joe Biden should be tougher on Israel. The poll also reveals varying levels of sympathy towards Israel and Palestinians among different political affiliations.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, with both candidates now virtually tied in the latest Times/Siena Poll. Biden's support among traditional Democratic voters has improved, but many voters still have doubts about the country's direction, the economy, and the candidates' ages.

Former President Donald Trump endorses Sam Brown for Nevada Senate race

Former President Donald Trump is endorsing leading Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sam Brown after an internal poll showed him ahead of his primary opponents. Trump and Brown are being promoted as a strong ticket for Nevada, causing concern for Democrats.

Florida Voters and Abortion Amendment

A new poll in Florida shows uncertainty among voters regarding a ballot measure for a constitutional right to abortion up until 24 weeks of pregnancy. The amendment has support from left-wing groups but falls short of the 60% needed to pass. Florida voters are split on the issue, with Democrats and independents more in favor compared to Republicans. The measure would undo existing abortion limits in the state if passed.

Comparison of Public Perception on President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that many Americans believe both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump did more harm than good on key issues during their time in office. Biden is criticized for his handling of the economy and immigration, while Trump faces criticism on voting rights, election security, foreign relations, abortion laws, and climate change.

Latino Support for Deportations and Border Wall

A recent poll found a growing number of Latinos supporting deportations and the construction of a border wall, with Cuban Americans showing the most support. The poll also showed concerns about Biden's border policies, costs, and crime rates.

2024 North Carolina Poll: Trump vs. Biden vs. Other Candidates

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by two points in North Carolina, according to a recent poll. Additional candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein were also included in the survey, where Trump led overwhelmingly.

Latino Support for President Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Latino support for President Joe Biden decreased by 12 points while former President Donald Trump gained 3 points among Latinos. Republicans maintained a lead on dealing with Biden's economy and reducing crime. Trump started an effort to challenge Biden's lead on abortion, emphasizing states' rights on the issue.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Adoption in the U.S.

A new Gallup poll found that in 2024, more Americans said they would not consider purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) compared to 2023. The poll also revealed a slight increase in the percentage of Americans who say they own an EV. The Biden administration's new rule aims to increase the share of electric vehicles in the market by 2032, but faces opposition from former President Trump and Republicans.

Republican voters' preference for Donald Trump over Mitch McConnell

Recent poll shows that former President Donald Trump is 43 points more popular among Republicans than Sen. Mitch McConnell. McConnell plans to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose his party's position on funding the Ukraine-Russia war.

2024 Pennsylvania Poll Results: Biden vs. Trump

President Biden narrowly beat former President Trump in a new poll of Pennsylvania registered voters, despite concerns about Biden's age. The state is expected to be a critical battleground in the 2024 presidential election.

2024 General Election Poll Results

Former President Donald Trump leads in the latest poll from Rasmussen, with a significant advantage over President Joe Biden. Trump also outperforms Biden in subgroups like black voters, Hispanic voters, and younger voters. The poll shows consistent support for Trump and a decline in Biden's numbers compared to the previous month.

Pennsylvania Polling Data

The latest poll from Franklin & Marshall College in Pennsylvania shows a more optimistic outlook for the state, with President Joe Biden leading against former President Donald Trump. Republican Dave McCormick is gaining ground against Sen. Bob Casey. Polling data also reveals insights into voter sentiments and preferences on various issues.

Tariffs to Protect American Jobs

A new poll reveals that most likely voters support former President Donald Trump’s plan to impose ten percent tariffs on all imports to protect American jobs and wages. The tariffs are intended to protect American industries devastated by free trade.

Michigan Poll Results: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump has the edge on President Joe Biden in Michigan, according to a recent poll. Most voters in the state back mass deportation of illegal aliens. Economic issues are the top concern for voters, followed by abortion and illegal immigration.

Tariffs and Trade Policies in the United States

A recent poll by J.L. Partners/Daily Mail.com found that a majority of voters support the United States placing a ten percent tariff on all imports, reflecting a resurgence of tariff popularity with the influence of former President Donald Trump. Tariffs have been a long-standing debate in U.S. history, with varying levels over the years.

Political Poll: Trump vs. Michelle Obama vs. Joe Biden

Former first lady Michelle Obama trails former President Donald Trump by the same margin President Joe Biden trails him in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to a recent poll.

Belief in Jesus Christ's Resurrection and Religion in Public Life

A recent poll found that a large percentage of registered voters believe in Jesus Christ's bodily resurrection as Easter approaches. The majority also believe Jesus Christ existed and walked the earth. Another report states that many Americans see the role of religion in public life as waning but still view it positively.

Analysis of Fox News Poll on Trump vs. Biden and RFK Jr.'s Potential Impact

Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses former President Trump polling over President Biden, with insights on Biden's campaign challenges and potential competition from RFK Jr. in the upcoming election.

Israel-Gaza Conflict

Israel agrees to reschedule talks on Gaza after rift with U.S., a State Department official resigns over ongoing U.S. support for Israel amidst rising death toll and warnings of famine in Gaza. Biden administration criticizes Netanyahu, but some feel U.S. has not done enough to press Israel to change course. Gallup poll shows growing disapproval of Israel's actions in Gaza among Americans.

Texas Politics

Former El Paso U.S. Marshal Robert Almonte discusses migrants breaching fence in El Paso, Texas. Poll shows Trump leading Biden by 11 points in Texas. Cruz ahead of Allred in Senate race. Immigration and inflation top issues for Texas voters.

General Election Match-ups in Pennsylvania

President Joe Biden and Sen. Bob Casey hold slight leads over former President Donald Trump and businessman Dave McCormick in general election match-ups in Pennsylvania, according to a recent poll by Susquehanna Polling and Research. Biden leads Trump by 5 points, while Casey leads McCormick by 6 points.

2024 Swing State Poll

President Biden made significant gains in six of seven 2024 swing states against Donald Trump, according to a recent poll. The Rust Belt swing states showed the best performance for Biden.

Public Perception of Joe Biden's Intentions Towards Donald Trump in the 2024 Election

A poll by McLaughlin & Associates suggests that a majority believe Joe Biden is looking to win the 2024 election by jailing his opponent, Donald Trump. The poll also indicates a negative sentiment towards Biden's Justice Department and its actions against Trump.

Michigan Poll: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump is narrowly leading President Joe Biden in Michigan according to a Mitchell Research poll. Trump leads Biden by 3 points in a head-to-head matchup and by 2 points in a five-way trial ballot. Trump is particularly strong with men, younger voters, and white voters, while Biden leads with women, black American voters, and certain counties in Michigan.

Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden in Battleground Districts

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in battleground districts, according to a recent Cygnal Poll. Trump leads Biden by 2.4 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup, and also leads a generic Democrat by 2.1 points. When independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is included, Trump's lead expands to 3.9 percent. The survey also shows that most battleground district voters disapprove of Biden's job performance, with border security and immigration being a top priority.

Poll on Voter Perception of Biden's Reelection Chances

Only 24% of independent voters believe President Joe Biden will secure reelection in November according to a YouGov poll. The majority think Trump would defeat Biden in 2024.

Palestinian Support for Hamas in Gaza Strip

A majority of Palestinians support Hamas retaining control of the Gaza Strip after the war against Israel, with increased support despite suffering. Poll shows almost all Palestinians believe Israel is committing war crimes while Hamas is not. Support for Hamas has increased in Gaza, with expectations of Hamas winning the war also rising. Satisfaction with Hamas's performance remains stable overall, with slight drops in the West Bank and increases in Gaza.

American Jews' View on Israeli Government

A recent poll shows that 54% of American Jews have a favorable view of the Israeli government, contradicting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's claim that there is a silent majority of American Jews who are against the Israeli government.

Comparison of public sentiment towards Biden and Trump's policies

A poll by Rasmussen Reports shows that a plurality of voters feel President Joe Biden's policies have personally hurt them, while a plurality feel former President Donald Trump's policies have helped them. The poll also reveals sentiments on economic policies, with more voters preferring Trump's over Biden's. The article also includes promotion for John Nolte's novel, 'Borrowed Time.'

Poll on Palestinian Approval of Hamas Terror Attack

A recent poll of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza shows that 71% still approve of the terror attack by Hamas on October 7, with support stable since the previous poll. There are geographic differences in approval rates between the West Bank and Gaza.

Maryland Senate Race Poll

Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) leads both Democrat U.S. Senate candidates in hypothetical matchups, with a significant advantage over Rep. David Trone and Prince George’s County Commissioner Angela Alsobrooks.

Presidential Poll in Georgia

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in Georgia by three points according to a CBS News/YouGov poll. More voters in Georgia believe that a second term of Trump's policies would benefit them personally and America at large compared to a second term of Biden's policies.

2024 Pennsylvania Election Poll

The article discusses a poll from Fox News showing a close race between Trump and Biden in the state of Pennsylvania for the 2024 election. It highlights key demographics supporting each candidate and key issues for voters.

Comparison of Trust and Approval Ratings between Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump has higher trust and approval ratings in handling key issues than current President Joe Biden, according to an ABC/Ipsos poll. Trump is favored in areas such as inflation, crime, border crisis, gun violence, and economy, while Biden is preferred in handling abortion and climate change. Trump is likely to face Biden in the 2024 general election.

2024 North Carolina General Election Poll

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in a two-way general election race in North Carolina, according to a recent poll.