First Amendment and Free Speech in America

A new poll by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) reveals that many Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe the First Amendment goes 'too far' and are hesitant to support controversial or offensive speech. This highlights a concerning trend towards increased censorship despite concerns over the state of free speech in America.

Key Points

  • Nearly a third of Americans believe the First Amendment goes 'too far'.
  • Over two-thirds think America is headed in the wrong direction regarding free speech.
  • Many are hesitant to support public speech that expresses offensive beliefs.


  • Highlighting the importance of defending controversial and offensive speech to protect free speech rights in the future.


  • Significant portion of the population seems poised to welcome increasing censorship.
  • Many Americans, including Republicans and Democrats, believe the First Amendment goes 'too far' in guaranteeing rights.