Poll Results: Biden vs. Trump

SOURCE dnyuz.com
A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College shows President Biden trailing behind Donald J. Trump in support among registered voters, with doubts about his leadership and dissatisfaction over the nation's direction.

Key Points

  • Mr. Biden is trailing Mr. Trump in national support
  • There are doubts within the Democratic coalition about Mr. Biden's leadership
  • Mr. Trump has been more successful in unifying his party
  • Democrat voters remain divided on Mr. Biden's ability to lead the party
  • Mr. Trump is winning over past supporters, while Mr. Biden faces challenges in retaining his base


  • Mr. Trump leads in support among registered voters
  • Mr. Trump is seen as having better policies by a significant portion of voters


  • Mr. Biden lags behind in support among various demographics, including working-class voters of color and independents
  • Doubts about Mr. Biden's leadership and policies are prevalent