Maryland Senate Race Poll

Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) leads both Democrat U.S. Senate candidates in hypothetical matchups, with a significant advantage over Rep. David Trone and Prince George’s County Commissioner Angela Alsobrooks.

Key Points

  • Hogan leads Trone by 12 points and Alsobrooks by 14 points in the poll.
  • Hogan has high favorability ratings compared to Trone and Alsobrooks.
  • Independents and third-party voters favor Hogan by a two-to-one margin.


  • Gov. Larry Hogan has a strong lead over both Democrat candidates in the poll.
  • Hogan's entry into the Senate race has significant implications for the national battle for Senate majority.


  • Democrat candidates Rep. David Trone and Angela Alsobrooks trail significantly behind Hogan in the poll.