2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

SOURCE dnyuz.com
President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, with both candidates now virtually tied in the latest Times/Siena Poll. Biden's support among traditional Democratic voters has improved, but many voters still have doubts about the country's direction, the economy, and the candidates' ages.

Key Points

  • Biden and Trump are virtually tied in the latest Times/Siena Poll
  • Biden's support among white, Black, and Latino voters has improved
  • Voters have concerns about the economy and the candidates' ages
  • Immigration and foreign affairs are key issues where Trump has an edge over Biden


  • Biden has gained support among traditional Democratic voters
  • Poll results indicate a close and competitive 2024 election


  • High percentage of voters view the nation as headed in the wrong direction
  • Most voters still rate the nation's economic conditions as fair or poor
  • Both Biden and Trump remain unpopular for various reasons