Satanic Temple objects to Governor's push for more religion in schools

The Satanic Temple objects to Governor Ron DeSantis's push for more religion in Florida's public schools and states that members could act as student chaplains. The temple sees this as an equal opportunity to restore the tenets of Christianity to public education and highlight violations of the separation of church and state.

State Funding Cut for Arts in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis cuts $32 million in state funding for the arts, leaving arts organizations struggling to survive.

Teaching History of Communism in Florida Public Schools

Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation in Florida requiring the history of communism to be taught in public schools, starting in the 2026-2027 school year. The lessons will focus on the dangers and evils of communism, incorporating various topics related to communism and its impact.

Crackdown on Retail Theft in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs legislation cracking down on retail theft and porch piracy, contrasting California and New York policies. The new law increases penalties and aims to hold criminals accountable.

Florida State Senate Passes Bill to Regulate Short-Term Vacation Rentals

Florida State Senate passed a legislative proposal giving authorities more power to regulate short-term vacation rentals, imposing new statewide requirements and overruling city and county regulations since 2016. The bill, SB 280, includes limits on occupancy, registration requirements, and fines for non-compliance. The controversial measure was passed by the Florida Senate and House and awaits Governor Ron DeSantis' decision.