Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Constitutional Change

A poll in Colombia shows that 62% of people believe President Gustavo Petro will try to change the Constitution to stay in power. Petro, a leftist, has faced disapproval ratings, with many disagreeing with his proposed reforms. He has expressed plans for a constituent assembly to draft a new Constitution.

Colombia Opening Embassy in Ramallah to Recognize Palestine

Colombia's far-left President Gustavo Petro is opening an embassy in Ramallah to recognize Palestine as a state, cutting ties with Israel. This decision follows accusations of genocide against Israel by Petro and Foreign Minister Murillo.

FARC's Creation of New Criminal Unit in Colombia

The FARC terrorist organization in Colombia announced the creation of a new criminal unit, despite signing a peace deal in 2016. The far-left administration of President Gustavo Petro has been criticized for allowing FARC to recruit minors and expand its criminal activities. Colombian opposition lawmakers are concerned about the resurgence of FARC violence under Petro's administration.

Diplomatic Tension between Colombia and Argentina

Colombia ordered the expulsion of Argentine diplomats due to denigrating comments made by Argentine President Javier Milei about Colombian President Gustavo Petro, calling him a terrorist, murderer, and communist. Colombia expressed that these comments offended the dignity of President Petro, who was democratically elected.

Challenges faced by Colombia's President Gustavo Petro

Supporters of Colombia's first left-wing president, Gustavo Petro, are frustrated with his struggles in office, facing opposition in Congress and the courts. Petro has made some progress in tax reform and diplomatic relations but faces criticism for his divisive leadership style and family scandals.