Conservative activist group urges Senate Democrats to support House bill preventing noncitizens from voting in U.S. elections

Conservative activist group urges Senate Democrats to support House bill preventing noncitizens from voting in U.S. elections, citing concerns about illegal immigrants affecting elections. Ad highlights cases of illegal immigrants causing harm in the U.S. and calls for passing HR 192 to safeguard elections.

House Bill on D.C. Crime Reform

A 17-year-old female student was grazed in the head by a stray bullet at a High School in Washington D.C. A House Republican-led bill aimed at overhauling D.C.'s criminal policies passed with some Democratic support, targeting changes in how juveniles and young adults are prosecuted.

Renewal of Section 702 of FISA

House bill to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) faces opposition from conservatives, delaying its passage to the Senate. The bill aims to reform FISA to balance privacy concerns with national security needs.

Bipartisan Concern Over TikTok Threats to National Security

Bipartisan lawmakers express deep concern over TikTok's threat to national security, with a House bill requiring TikTok to divest from China or face a ban in the U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Mark Warner highlight the significant threats posed by TikTok, with worries about personal data access and manipulation on a platform used as a primary news source by many young people.

TikTok's National Security Implications

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner and former President Donald Trump have expressed concerns about TikTok's national security implications, with the House preparing to vote on a bill that would force TikTok to cut ties with China.

Florida House Bill on Homelessness

Florida House lawmakers passed a bill to prevent homeless people from sleeping in public and require local governments to fund homeless camps, supported by Governor Ron DeSantis. The bill aims to address homelessness and keep streets clean, with a focus on providing designated areas for sleeping or camping with necessary facilities.

Tennessee House Bill Banning Pride Flags in Schools

The Republican-led Tennessee House passed a bill banning pride flags from being displayed in school classrooms, sparking a heated debate. The bill states only the US and Tennessee state flags can be displayed in public schools. Critics argue it discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community.

Tennessee House Bill Banning Pride Flags in Schools

The Republican-led Tennessee House passed a bill banning pride flags from school classrooms, sparking heated debate. The bill prohibits displaying flags representing political viewpoints other than the US and Tennessee flags. Opponents argue it discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community.