Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

Escalating tensions in the Middle East as Yemen's Houthi rebels target a ship in the Gulf of Aden, potentially widening the conflict. The U.S. has sent the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower back home after leading the response to Houthi assaults. The attack happened near Yemen's Socotra Island. The Houthis have claimed attacks targeting vessels linked to Israel, the U.S., or Britain.

Yemen's Houthi Rebel Attack on Commercial Ship

Yemen's Houthi rebels targeted a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, but caused no damage. The US military ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to return home after a series of attacks. The Houthis have been escalating their strikes on ships in the region.

Attack on MV Tutor coal carrier by Yemen's Houthi rebels

Yemen's Houthi rebels released a video showing an attack on the Greek-owned MV Tutor coal carrier in the Red Sea, which later sank.

Attack on Bulk Carrier by Yemen's Houthi Rebels

A bulk carrier sank in the Red Sea after an attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels, believed to have killed one mariner. This is the second ship to be sunk in the rebel campaign targeting shipping through a vital maritime corridor.

Princess Kate's public appearance and Houthi rebels' attack on a commercial ship

Princess Kate will make a public appearance since undergoing cancer treatment. Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched anti-ship cruise missiles at a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, wounding one mariner. The Houthis have been targeting shipping in the Red Sea corridor as part of their campaign.

Iran-backed Houthi attacks on commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden

Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen continue to launch attacks on commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden despite warnings from President Biden. The US and UK conducted joint strikes on Houthi locations, prompting an increase in attacks. The Pentagon launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to counter the Houthi attacks.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack Greek-Owned Ship Bound for Iran

Dr. Warren Goldstein discusses South Africa's upcoming election and the ruling ANC teaming up with anti-Western foes. A Greek-owned ship with a cargo bound for Iran was attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels, causing damage and no remaining dangerous explosives onboard. The Houthis have been targeting vessels to pressure Israel and the West over the war in Gaza.

Cargo ship sunk by Iran-backed Houthi rebels during Israel-Hamas war

A cargo ship struck by Iran-backed Houthi rebels during the Israel-Hamas war has sunk off the coast of Yemen. The vessel sustained damage to the cargo hold and was taking on water after being targeted in a missile attack. The attack occurred near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea.

Somali Piracy Resurgence

A car bomb exploded in a Somalian town followed by a pirate attack on an oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden. European naval forces detained six suspected pirates after they opened fire on the tanker. Recent incidents indicate a resurgence in Somali piracy.

Suspected Iranian Spy Ship Sailing Home After Three Years at Sea

A suspected Iranian spy ship, MV Behshad, is sailing home after nearly three years at sea, potentially removing a target for Israeli strikes. The ship provided intelligence to Houthi rebels in the Red Sea region. Iran warns against targeting the ship as tensions rise over possible Israeli attacks and Iran's nuclear doctrine.

Conflict between Israel and Iran in the Middle East

Commandos from Iran's Revolutionary Guard seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship near the Strait of Hormuz, escalating tensions in the Middle East. The conflict involves Iran, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi rebels, posing a risk of wider regional war. The attack is linked to a suspected Israeli strike in Syria, and Iran's actions have drawn international condemnation.

Conflict in the Red Sea involving Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the U.S. military, and Coalition warships

A cargo ship struck by Iran-backed Houthi rebels has sunk, marking the first vessel lost during the Israel-Hamas war. The U.S. military shot down four drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels targeting American and Coalition warships in the Red Sea.

New Airstrip Construction on Abd al-Kuri Island

Satellite images show a new airstrip being built on Abd al-Kuri Island near the Gulf of Aden, potentially by the United Arab Emirates, amidst ongoing conflict in Yemen between Houthi rebels and U.S.-led forces.

Iran-backed Houthi Rebels' Attacks on Red Sea

Iran-backed Houthi rebels launch drones and missiles towards Red Sea, US military responds by shooting down drones and destroying vessels in self-defense.

Houthi Rebels' Hypersonic Missile Claim

Houthi rebels claim to have a new hypersonic missile, potentially raising the stakes in their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. Iran supports the rebels and also claims to have a hypersonic missile, posing challenges to air defense systems. The Houthis have been hinting at surprises for battles at sea.

Navy's Efforts to Protect International Shipping in the Middle East

The Navy is using advanced software and weapons to protect international shipping in the Middle East from Houthi rebels, with a focus on real-time adaptation and future technology like high-energy lasers and microwaves.

Resumption of Funding to UNRWA and Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Canada has resumed funding to UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, after allegations from Israel were refuted. Houthi rebels in Yemen conducted a drone attack, with the U.S. shooting down 15 drones. Gaza is facing a severe humanitarian crisis with children dying from malnutrition, prompting international aid efforts.

Houthi Rebels Attack on Ships in the Gulf of Aden

Houthi rebels attacked a Singapore-flagged vessel in the Gulf of Aden, launching missiles that did not impact the vessel. The US military shot down Houthi drones targeting American warships. Recent Houthi actions include attacks on commercial ships and American drones, prompting US airstrikes in Yemen.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden

A missile attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels on a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden killed two crew members, escalating the conflict in the region. The attack is part of a series of assaults by the Iranian-backed group, further disrupting global shipping routes. The U.S. and Indian navies are involved in rescue efforts amidst ongoing attacks in the area.

U.S. Navy destroyer USS Carney shooting down drones and missile in the Red Sea

U.S. destroyer USS Carney shot down drones and a missile fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. Houthis have been attacking vessels to show support for Palestinians in the Israel-Hamas war. No injuries or damage reported.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians, and other groups in the Middle East

The Belize-flagged ship Rubymar, attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels, has sunk in the Red Sea after taking on water. The sinking could impact global shipping and aid shipments to the region.

Houthi rebels disrupting Red Sea trade routes

Houthi rebels attacking the Red Sea disrupting major supply chains, leading to longer delivery times and higher shipping rates.

Underwater Communications Cable Attacks

Four underwater communications cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been struck out of commission, likely due to attacks by Yemen's Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, causing a disruption in communications between Europe and Asia.

Military Strikes in Yemen

The United States and British military conducted airstrikes on 18 targets in Yemen in response to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels' attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Recent Events in Gaza and Israel

Yemeni Houthi rebels attacked a cargo vessel causing an 18-mile oil slick, Gaza's death toll rises to 29,606 with 92 more deaths, U.N. experts warn of arms violations in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister unveils postwar plan for Gaza, former hostage accuses Netanyahu of neglecting remaining captives, and U.N. calls for accountability for human rights violations in Israel-Hamas conflict.

Conflict in the Middle East: Smuggling of Iranian-made Weapons

Four foreign nationals were charged with transporting suspected Iranian-made weapons on a vessel intercepted by U.S. naval forces in the Arabian Sea. Two Navy SEALs died during the mission, and the weapons were intended for Houthi rebel forces in Yemen. The incident highlights the ongoing conflict and tensions in the Middle East.

China's Growing Influence in the Middle East

President Xi Jinping is positioning China as a key player in the Middle East, aiming to diminish UK and US influence in the region. Security expert warns that China's power has grown and advocates for the UK and US to join the Abraham Accords to counter China's rising influence.

Houthi Rebels Threatening Underwater Internet Cables

Houthi rebels could potentially target Britain's underwater internet cables, posing a threat to global digital connectivity infrastructure.