Conflict in the Red Sea involving Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the U.S. military, and Coalition warships

A cargo ship struck by Iran-backed Houthi rebels has sunk, marking the first vessel lost during the Israel-Hamas war. The U.S. military shot down four drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels targeting American and Coalition warships in the Red Sea.

Key Points

  • Cargo ship sunk by Houthi rebels
  • U.S. military shot down four drones targeting American and Coalition warships in the Red Sea
  • CENTCOM engaged and destroyed Houthi unmanned aerial systems
  • Houthi attacks disrupting shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden


  • Protection of merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region
  • Actions taken to safeguard freedom of navigation in international waters


  • Loss of life, sinking of a commercial vessel, disruption of humanitarian aid, harm to Middle East economies, and environmental damage caused by Houthi attacks