Yemen's Houthi Rebel Attack on Commercial Ship

Yemen's Houthi rebels targeted a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden, but caused no damage. The US military ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to return home after a series of attacks. The Houthis have been escalating their strikes on ships in the region.

Attack on MV Tutor coal carrier by Yemen's Houthi rebels

Yemen's Houthi rebels released a video showing an attack on the Greek-owned MV Tutor coal carrier in the Red Sea, which later sank.

Migrant boat sinking off Yemen coast

A boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of Yemen, leaving at least 49 dead and 140 missing. The number of migrants arriving in Yemen has tripled despite the civil war in the region.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Detain UN Employees and Aid Workers

Houthis in Yemen have detained United Nations employees and aid workers under unclear circumstances, facing financial pressure and airstrikes. The detentions have sparked international condemnation and calls for immediate release.

Airstrikes on Houthi Targets in Yemen

The U.S. and Britain conducted airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen in response to attacks on ships. The strikes targeted underground facilities, missile launchers, and other military sites. The Houthis claimed the airstrikes killed 16 people and wounded 35. The U.S. has been carrying out daily strikes against Houthi targets, including incoming missiles and drones aimed at ships.

Airstrikes on Houthi Targets in Yemen

The U.S. and Britain conducted airstrikes on 13 Houthi targets in Yemen in response to recent attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The strikes targeted underground facilities, missile launchers, command and control sites, and more. The Houthis claimed at least two people were killed and 10 wounded in the strikes. This is the fifth combined operation by the U.S. and British militaries against the Houthis since Jan. 12.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack Greek-Owned Ship Bound for Iran

Dr. Warren Goldstein discusses South Africa's upcoming election and the ruling ANC teaming up with anti-Western foes. A Greek-owned ship with a cargo bound for Iran was attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels, causing damage and no remaining dangerous explosives onboard. The Houthis have been targeting vessels to pressure Israel and the West over the war in Gaza.

Cargo ship sunk by Iran-backed Houthi rebels during Israel-Hamas war

A cargo ship struck by Iran-backed Houthi rebels during the Israel-Hamas war has sunk off the coast of Yemen. The vessel sustained damage to the cargo hold and was taking on water after being targeted in a missile attack. The attack occurred near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea.

Iran's Backing of Houthi Movement in Yemen

The American representative at the United Nations Security Council called out Iran for backing the Houthi movement in Yemen, which has led to terrorist activity in the Red Sea. Despite evidence of Iran's support for the Houthis, specific sanctions were not demanded, but collective action was urged.

Somali Piracy Resurgence

A car bomb exploded in a Somalian town followed by a pirate attack on an oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden. European naval forces detained six suspected pirates after they opened fire on the tanker. Recent incidents indicate a resurgence in Somali piracy.

Yemen-based Houthi Movement Offering Education to US Students Suspended for Anti-Israel Protests

The Yemen-based Houthi movement is offering US students who were suspended for participating in anti-Israel protests to continue their studies in Yemen, as a show of support for Palestine.

Israeli Defense Force (IDF) successfully defends against aerial threats

IDF Spokesperson claims 99% of aerial threats were shot down, including drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Yemen involved in the attack, with US support in shooting down 70 attacks. Nebatim air base in Israel was hit but remains fully functional. Jordan and other allies provided assistance.

US Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo's admission about funds for Iran

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo admitted that the $6 billion unfrozen for Iran likely went to fund violent activity, despite claims it was for humanitarian needs. This has raised concerns about Iran's support for terrorist proxies in the region.

Houthi Attacks on British, U.S., and Israeli Ships

Houthi forces in Yemen claim to have targeted British, U.S., and Israeli ships with rockets and drones in support of Palestinians in the Gaza war. The attacks took place in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean over the last 72 hours.

Iran's Support for Houthis Despite Biden's Warnings

Fox News reports on Iran's support for Houthis despite Biden's warnings, with a senator criticizing the administration's offer to reverse Houthis' terror designation. US Special Envoy aims for diplomatic solution, while Air Force commander notes decrease in Houthi attacks. State Department defends SDGT designation to pressure Houthis, seeking to deter attacks on international shipping.

Conflict in the Red Sea involving Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the U.S. military, and Coalition warships

A cargo ship struck by Iran-backed Houthi rebels has sunk, marking the first vessel lost during the Israel-Hamas war. The U.S. military shot down four drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels targeting American and Coalition warships in the Red Sea.

New Airstrip Construction on Abd al-Kuri Island

Satellite images show a new airstrip being built on Abd al-Kuri Island near the Gulf of Aden, potentially by the United Arab Emirates, amidst ongoing conflict in Yemen between Houthi rebels and U.S.-led forces.

Iran-backed Houthi Terrorists Attack Chinese-Owned Oil Tanker in Yemen

Iran-backed Houthi terrorists attacked a Chinese-owned oil tanker in Yemen with five missiles, violating a promise of safe passage negotiated with China and Russia. The attack caused minor damage and a fire on board, but the crew managed to extinguish it. The Houthis have previously stated they would not attack Chinese or Russian ships.

U.S. and Britain conduct airstrikes in Yemen and blame Chinese hackers for cyberattacks

The U.S. and Britain conduct new airstrikes targeting Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen following attacks in Iraq and Syria. Britain expected to blame cyberattacks on Chinese government hackers targeting U.K.'s election watchdog and lawmakers.

Yemen's Houthis launch missile towards Israel

Yemen's Houthis claimed responsibility for launching a cruise missile near Eilat, Israel, marking the first such strike on Israeli territory. The Iran-aligned militants have been targeting international shipping in solidarity with Palestinians. American and British navies have conducted strikes against Houthi targets. The conflict involves a civil war in Yemen and ongoing tensions with Saudi Arabia.

Houthi Rebels Attack on Ships in the Gulf of Aden

Houthi rebels attacked a Singapore-flagged vessel in the Gulf of Aden, launching missiles that did not impact the vessel. The US military shot down Houthi drones targeting American warships. Recent Houthi actions include attacks on commercial ships and American drones, prompting US airstrikes in Yemen.

Houthi Terrorist Rallies in Yemen

Houthi terrorists in Yemen organized rallies in support of their Red Sea terror campaign and Hamas, targeting ships and causing disruptions to global commercial shipping. The Houthis have declared war against Israel and have engaged in violent acts including killing civilians, sexual violence, and attacks on ships with ties to various countries.

President Joe Biden's airstrikes in Yemen

President Joe Biden claimed to have ordered airstrikes in Yemen to degrade Houthi capabilities during his State of the Union address, but admitted that the airstrikes did not work to prevent Houthi attacks. The coalition he mentioned, Operation Prosperity Guardian, has done little to deter Houthi attacks.

Attack on Barbados-flagged Shipping Vessel in Gulf of Aden

Three sailors were killed on a Barbados-flagged shipping vessel in the Gulf of Aden after a missile launched by the Houthi militant group from Yemen hit the ship.

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Attack Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden

A missile attack by Yemen's Houthi rebels on a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden killed two crew members, escalating the conflict in the region. The attack is part of a series of assaults by the Iranian-backed group, further disrupting global shipping routes. The U.S. and Indian navies are involved in rescue efforts amidst ongoing attacks in the area.

Houthi missile strike on cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden

Two sailors were killed in a missile strike by Houthi rebels on a cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden. The attack was in retaliation to American and British aggression against Yemen. The ship was hit about 50 nautical miles southwest of the Yemeni port of Aden.

Yemen's Houthis Targeting British Ships

Yemen's Houthis vow to continue targeting British ships in the Gulf of Aden after sinking UK-owned vessel Rubymar. US military confirms the sinking after an anti-ship ballistic missile strike by Houthi militants on Feb. 18. Houthi deputy foreign minister threatens more British ships will be sunk.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians, and other groups in the Middle East

The Belize-flagged ship Rubymar, attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels, has sunk in the Red Sea after taking on water. The sinking could impact global shipping and aid shipments to the region.

Houthi Attack on British Cargo Ship and Electric Cars' Environmental Impact

Houthis in Yemen attacked a British-owned cargo ship on the Red Sea, leading to disruptions in trade routes and higher shipping costs. Social media falsely claimed the Houthis rescued the crew, but they were actually rescued by a coalition warship. Electric cars are better for the environment than gasoline-powered cars over their lifetimes.

Houthi terror attacks on Red Sea shipping

Sen. Chris Murphy holds a hearing on Houthi terror attacks on Red Sea shipping, experts testify to financial and humanitarian damage. Murphy criticizes U.S. intervention in Yemen, supports Biden's ineffective strategy. Houthis launch attacks despite international efforts to stop them.

American fighter jets strike Houthi targets in Yemen and RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel resigns

American fighter jets launched from the Red Sea and struck 18 Houthi targets in Yemen. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces resignation.

U.S. and British Strikes in Yemen Against Huthi Targets

U.S. and British forces carried out strikes in Yemen against Huthi targets in response to attacks on Red Sea shipping by rebels. Other countries supported the strikes. The Huthis have attacked over 45 vessels since mid-November, threatening the global economy and regional security.

Military Strikes in Yemen

The United States and British military conducted airstrikes on 18 targets in Yemen in response to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels' attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

U.S. Military Strikes Against Houthi Targets in Yemen

The United States and its allies conducted strikes against Iranian-backed Houthi targets in Yemen to protect commercial and naval vessels in the Red Sea. The strikes targeted weapons storage facilities, drone and missile launchers, and other Houthi-controlled locations.

Recent Events in Gaza and Israel

Yemeni Houthi rebels attacked a cargo vessel causing an 18-mile oil slick, Gaza's death toll rises to 29,606 with 92 more deaths, U.N. experts warn of arms violations in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister unveils postwar plan for Gaza, former hostage accuses Netanyahu of neglecting remaining captives, and U.N. calls for accountability for human rights violations in Israel-Hamas conflict.

Yemen's Houthi Attack on US Ships in Gulf of Aden

Yemen's Houthi militants claimed responsibility for attacking two US ships in the Gulf of Aden, using naval missiles. The UKMTO is investigating the incident, and there are concerns about the new danger posed by the use of unmanned underwater vessels. The group's ties to Iran and its role in disrupting shipping in the Red Sea are highlighted.

US Drone Crash in Yemen

An unmanned US drone crashed in Yemen near Hodeidah, with reports suggesting it was shot down by the Iran-backed Houthi forces. The US has continued strikes against the Houthis in response to ongoing attacks on commercial shipping in the region.