US Drone Crash in Yemen

An unmanned US drone crashed in Yemen near Hodeidah, with reports suggesting it was shot down by the Iran-backed Houthi forces. The US has continued strikes against the Houthis in response to ongoing attacks on commercial shipping in the region.

Key Points

  • US drone crash near Hodeidah in Yemen
  • Houthi forces claim to have shot down the drone with a missile
  • US continues strikes against Houthis in response to attacks on commercial shipping
  • Cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden abandoned following Houthi attack


  • The US is actively investigating the incident to determine the cause of the drone crash.
  • The US government is taking action against the Iran-backed Houthi forces in response to attacks on commercial shipping.


  • The situation in Yemen remains volatile with ongoing conflict between different factions.
  • The incident highlights the potential risks of unmanned drones being used in military operations.