New Jersey Senate Hearing on Antisemitism Bill

The New Jersey Senate canceled a hearing on a bill that would define antisemitism due to safety concerns. The bill aimed to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism to combat antisemitism in the state.

Legislation to Combat Anti-Israel Speech

The House of Representatives passed a bill empowering the federal government to crack down on student protests by defining antisemitism to include certain criticism of Israel. Similar legislation has been passed or proposed in several states. The laws require government entities to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, which some critics argue encroaches on free speech rights.

Antisemitism Awareness Act and Pro-Palestinian Protests

The House is set to vote on the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which would mandate the Education Department adopt the IHRA's definition of antisemitism. There is disagreement among lawmakers on the bill's effectiveness and intentions.

Indiana Governor Vetoing Antisemitism Bill

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb vetoed a bill that would have defined antisemitism in the state education code, citing changes made to the bill that could penalize criticism of Israel. The bill faced disagreements between lawmakers but was eventually passed with bipartisan support after revisions were made. The bill includes the IHRA definition of antisemitism but omits specific examples related to Israel, prompting concerns about academic freedom and activism in support of Palestinians.