Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program

Growing concerns over Iran's efforts to advance its nuclear weapons program as reported by an Iranian resistance group, shifting personnel and resources to a university associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The NCRI reveals details of Iran's nuclear program and how it has expanded despite sanctions.

Protest Violence in London by Iranian Government Supporters

A woman was beaten by supporters of Iran's government during a peaceful protest in London, warning that the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) is on British soil. The clash occurred outside an event marking the death of Ebrahim Raisi, a hard-line Iranian president known for brutal crackdowns on protestors. Four people were injured, and one person was arrested for violent disorder.

Iran's Top-Secret Drone Site and Use of Drones in Military Operations

MEK provides evidence of a top-secret drone site in Iran training IRGC members and proxies to use Mohajer drones. Drones have been used in attacks against U.S. forces and Israel. Western governments urged to hold Tehran accountable for its activities.

Iran Broadening Battlefront Against Israel and America

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander claims to be broadening the battlefront against Israel and America to hasten their collapse, including operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Other Iranian proxies are also involved in targeting Israeli-operated platforms and commercial ships. The IRGC has sent its first warship into the Southern Hemisphere for a long-distance mission. The commander's remarks come in the context of escalating tensions with Israel and the U.S., following recent events and military actions.

Call for Strong Western Leadership to Confront Tehran

Iran's exiled crown prince, Reza Pahlavi, is calling for strong Western leadership akin to Reagan-Thatcher to confront Tehran due to failed policies of appeasement. He criticizes the weak approach towards the Islamic Republic and advocates for proscribing the IRGC as a terror organization. He emphasizes the need for decisive, coordinated leadership in the West to counter Iran's malign influence.

Iran's Secret Support for Anti-Israel Rallies

Iranian opposition activist exposes a confidential letter revealing Iran's secret support for anti-Israel rallies worldwide organized by IRGC, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

Iran's IRGC Commander Praises Attack on Israel

Iran's IRGC commander praised a drone and missile attack on Israel, claiming it was more successful than expected. The attack involved over 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Despite Israel intercepting the majority of the attack, Salami boasted of supreme success and warned against retaliation. The attack was allegedly in retaliation for an Israeli airstrike that eliminated seven senior Iranian military officials in Syria.

Iran seizes Portuguese-flagged ship owned by Israeli billionaire

Iran's paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) seized a Portuguese-flagged ship owned by an Israeli billionaire in the Strait of Hormuz amid tensions between the two nations.

Iranian Dissident TV Presenter Survives Stabbing Attack

Iranian dissident TV presenter Pouria Zeraati survived a stabbing attack orchestrated by state-backed operatives posing as journalists, highlighting ongoing threats faced by critics of the Iranian regime. The investigation is being led by counter-terrorist police, with Zeraati pointing to the involvement of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force. Zeraati supports designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization and has faced escalating threats after critiquing anti-Israel marches in Britain.

Assassination of Mohammed Reza Zahedi in Damascus

Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a top commander in the Quds Force of the IRGC, was assassinated in an airstrike in Damascus. The attack targeted a building used as a military command center for the IRGC. Iran and Hezbollah are accusing Israel of escalating the war against Iran's regional proxies.

Airstrike in Damascus Kills IRGC Official Mohammad Reza Zahedi

Israel reportedly killed senior IRGC official Mohammad Reza Zahedi in an airstrike in Damascus, Syria, showing Israel's stance against threats from Iran and its proxies. The strike is reminiscent of the U.S. operation against Qasem Soleimani in 2020, which deterred further attacks on U.S. facilities. President Trump labeled IRGC a terrorist organization, a designation Biden has not removed.

Iran's Acquisition of Sophisticated Drones

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has acquired sophisticated kamikaze and combat drones, including the Shahed-131 and Ababil-5 models, which pose a threat to enemy targets. The drones have been used in simulated exercises targeting Israeli nuclear facilities and have been involved in shadowing a U.S. guided missile destroyer. The U.S. has imposed sanctions on Iran's ballistic missile and UAV programs.