Protest Violence in London by Iranian Government Supporters

A woman was beaten by supporters of Iran's government during a peaceful protest in London, warning that the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) is on British soil. The clash occurred outside an event marking the death of Ebrahim Raisi, a hard-line Iranian president known for brutal crackdowns on protestors. Four people were injured, and one person was arrested for violent disorder.

Key Points

  • Woman beaten by pro-Iran supporters during peaceful protest in London
  • Violence occurred outside event marking death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi
  • Calls to designate IRGC as a terrorist organization for safety of people in Iran and the UK


  • Raises awareness about the presence and actions of the IRGC in the UK
  • Sheds light on the brutal crackdowns on protestors under the Iranian regime


  • Violence and intimidation towards peaceful protestors
  • Threats and physical harm towards individuals expressing dissent