Terrorist Attack in Dagestan, Russia

A terrorist attack in Russia's Dagestan Republic killed 20 people, including police officers and an Orthodox priest. The attackers targeted a synagogue, churches, and a police station. Questions remain about who was behind the attack and their motives.

ISIS-K's Growing Threat in Europe and Russia

ISIS-K, a branch of ISIS operating in Afghanistan, has claimed responsibility for a recent attack in Moscow, indicating their growing focus on Europe. The group has shown resilience and adaptability, with ambitions to target Western countries, including Russia, and expand its reach beyond South Asia.

ISIS-K Claiming Responsibility for Moscow Concert Hall Attack

ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for a deadly assault on a Moscow concert hall, and US officials warn that the group is targeting Western countries. ISIS Khorasan is an offshoot of the Islamic State based in Afghanistan.

US Intelligence Warning to Russia on Moscow Terror Attack and US Abstention from UN Security Council Vote on Gaza Cease-Fire

US intelligence warned Russia about a potential terrorist attack in Moscow targeting large gatherings, including concerts. The US shared this information with Russian officials, following the duty to warn policy. The attack was claimed by ISIS-K, resulting in 140 casualties. The US also abstained from a UN Security Council vote on an immediate cease-fire in Gaza due to the resolution's lack of condemnation for Hamas and its linkage to a hostage release.

Shohei Ohtani accuses interpreter and ISIS-K threat

Shohei Ohtani accuses his interpreter of stealing money and spreading lies; ISIS-K emerges as a dangerous terrorist group with recent attacks in Iran and Moscow, posing a threat to the West and Europe; U.S. officials remain vigilant about potential attacks by ISIS-K and core ISIS members.

Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Concert Hall in Russia

Russia is reeling from a terrorist attack at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow, with over 130 people killed. Suspects, reportedly from Tajikistan, have been charged. The attack has punctured Putin's image as a leader of security. ISIS-K has claimed responsibility, but Russian officials focus on a possible Ukrainian connection. Putin vows retaliation, raising concerns about the war in Ukraine.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow Blamed on Biden and ISIS-K

The Chinese state propaganda Global Times newspaper blames President Biden for creating conditions that allowed a terrorist attack in Moscow by ISIS, resulting in 137 deaths and 182 injured. The attack was at a concert hall, with ISIS-K claimed responsibility. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is seen as a factor in the rise of ISIS-K.

Russian Forces Torture Suspects in Connection to Moscow Terror Attack

Footage emerges of Russian forces torturing suspects in connection to Moscow terror attack, resulting in severe physical harm. The attack at Crocus City Hall left over 140 people dead. Suspects are paraded in court with visible cuts and bruises. The barbaric treatment includes electric shocks to genitals and forced consumption of own ear. Russian Investigative Committee interrogating four suspects, with photos and names leaked to media. Human rights groups denounce the torture methods. IS claims responsibility for the attack, with suspects linked to ISIS-K. Putin declares day of national mourning but suggests Ukraine's involvement in the attack.

Senator Marco Rubio's warning about ISIS-K and U.S. border security

Fox News reports on Senator Marco Rubio's warning about ISIS-K potentially exploiting the U.S. southern border to launch attacks, following the deadly shooting in Moscow. Rubio highlights the threat posed by ISIS-K and the need for vigilance.

Moscow Concert Hall Attack

Sen. Tom Cotton reacts to the deadly Moscow concert hall attack, linking it to President Biden's failed withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the attack, resulting in over 130 deaths and many injuries.

Moscow Massacre Blamed on Ukraine

Putin hints at blaming Ukraine for Moscow massacre that left 133 dead; ISIS-K claims responsibility for the attack; Putin vows vengeance and declares a day of national mourning; Russia arrests suspects and denies Ukraine's involvement; US officials link ISIS-K to the plot; Horrific details emerge from the deadly terrorist attack.

ISIS-K Attack on Concert Hall in Moscow

ISIS-K claimed responsibility for an attack on a concert hall in Moscow, Russia, resulting in a rising death toll. The group emerged in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2014-2015, pledging allegiance to ISIS. They have targeted major powers like the U.S., Russia, and others, seeking to assert their radical Islamic worldview through violent attacks.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, claimed by ISIS, left over 130 dead. Russian officials blamed Ukraine, while the U.S. issued warnings prior to the attack. Putin labeled the attack as terrorism and declared a day of mourning. The attackers were detained, and it is believed that ISIS-K was responsible.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow by ISIS-K

Russian President Putin claims terrorist attack suspects were trying to escape to Ukraine, while Ukraine denies involvement. ISIS-K, operating out of Afghanistan, took credit for deadly attack in Moscow. U.S. had intel about planned attack in Moscow, shared with Russian authorities. ISIS-K has been active in Russia, with a focus on carrying out attacks against the Kremlin.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow left 133 dead, with Russia blaming Ukraine and ISIS-K claiming responsibility. Putin vowed vengeance and declared a day of national mourning. The attack has led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

Mass Shooting at Concert Hall in Moscow

A mass shooting at a concert hall in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, killed at least 133 people with 145 others injured. Russian President Putin vowed to punish the perpetrators. U.S. officials believe ISIS-K was responsible for the attack. Putin accused Ukrainian authorities of aiding the assailants' escape.

ISIS-K claim of responsibility for attack on Russian concert hall

ISIS-K claims responsibility for attack on Russian concert hall, raising concerns about their regrouping capabilities and potential to carry out major attacks in other countries. Analysts question the atypical aspects of the attack and the intelligence available to both American and Russian authorities.