Moscow Massacre Blamed on Ukraine

Putin hints at blaming Ukraine for Moscow massacre that left 133 dead; ISIS-K claims responsibility for the attack; Putin vows vengeance and declares a day of national mourning; Russia arrests suspects and denies Ukraine's involvement; US officials link ISIS-K to the plot; Horrific details emerge from the deadly terrorist attack.

Key Points

  • Putin hints at blaming Ukraine for the attack
  • ISIS-K claims responsibility for the massacre
  • Putin vows vengeance and declares a day of national mourning
  • US officials link ISIS-K to the plot
  • Horrific details emerge from the deadly terrorist attack


  • Russia taking swift action to arrest suspects
  • International condemnation of the terrorist attack
  • Increased security measures implemented in Russia


  • Putin's attempt to shift blame to Ukraine without evidence
  • Growing fears of ISIS resurgence and terror threats worldwide
  • Horrific details of the attack and tragic loss of life