Presidential Election and Political Analysis

Radio host Charlamagne tha God suggests President Joe Biden should drop out if he performs poorly in the debate. He emphasizes the importance of independent and undecided voters in deciding the election.

Presidential Election Polls Post-Conviction

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in national surveys post-conviction, with a two-point difference in favor of Trump. Independent voters show a double-digit edge for Trump.

Impact of Trump's Felony Conviction on 2024 Election Chances

Former President Donald Trump's hush money felony conviction may be impacting his 2024 election chances as recent polls show him neck-and-neck with President Joe Biden, with Biden leading in key swing states. Independent voters are leaning towards Biden, and more voters trust Biden to handle the U.S. economy. Trump continues to deny the charges against him.

Senate Democrats' Strategy to Retain Majority in Swing States

Senate Democrats are focusing on attacking Republican candidates as 'carpetbaggers' to retain Senate majority in swing states. The strategy involves questioning the candidates' ties to the states they're running in, aiming to appeal to independent voters.

Comparison of perceived threat to democracy between Biden and Trump among independent voters

Independent voters believe President Joe Biden is a greater threat to democracy than former President Donald Trump, as shown by the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Trump's polling numbers have improved among key demographics, such as suburban women and minority groups.

Shift in Independent Voters' Preferences Towards Trump Over Biden

Independent voters have shifted dramatically away from President Joe Biden towards former President Donald Trump since 2020, posing a challenge for Biden's reelection campaign. Trump leads Biden in six of the seven top swing states and on six of the eight top issues for the 2024 election. Biden's approval ratings have dropped significantly, with only 40% of Americans approving of his job performance.

Poll on Voter Perception of Biden's Reelection Chances

Only 24% of independent voters believe President Joe Biden will secure reelection in November according to a YouGov poll. The majority think Trump would defeat Biden in 2024.

Arizona's Exclusion of Independent Voters in Presidential Preference Election

Independent voters in Arizona are not permitted to vote in the presidential preference election, unlike other primaries where they have the option to participate. There is a ballot initiative gathering signatures to require parties to either pay for future elections or let independents participate.

President Biden's handling of the economy

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham attributes disapproval of President Biden's handling of the economy among independent voters to focus on Republican primary and false narratives about the economy being pushed by the media.

Nikki Haley's Campaign Strategy in South Carolina GOP Primary

Nikki Haley, a GOP White House contender, is focusing on courting independent voters in South Carolina to prevent an expected loss to Donald Trump. Haley faces challenges with the conservative electorate and is targeting independents and Democrats who did not vote in the primary. The campaign is looking ahead to upcoming open primaries and remains optimistic despite trailing in polls.