Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian protesters set up tents on Columbia University's lawn in New York City after previous tents were removed by law enforcement. Columbia University announced that students would be allowed to stay in tents on the lawn for a week. Over 100 protesters were arrested, including Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, who was suspended from Barnard College. Anti-Israel protests have increased following an attack by Hamas on Israel.

Pro-Palestinian student protests at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian student protesters at Columbia University continued their demonstrations despite mass suspensions and arrests, protesting in support of Gaza. The protests were peaceful, with students arrested and released after waiting for hours. The university stated the encampment was unauthorized and has rules for protests, while a growing number of demonstrators joined the protest. Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, was among those arrested and suspended.

Arrest of Isra Hirsi at Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Isra Hirsi, daughter of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, was arrested at an anti-Israel protest at Columbia University, leading to claims by Rep. Jamaal Bowman that it was political payback for Omar questioning the institution's commitment to free academic expression.

Protests at Columbia University involving Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter

Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, was taken into custody by the NYPD in connection with protests at Columbia University. She will face trespassing charges.

Isra Hirsi's suspension from Barnard College for anti-Israel protest

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, was suspended from Barnard College for her involvement in an anti-Israel protest at Columbia University. The protest was related to demands for divestment from companies complicit in genocide and transparency of Columbia's investments.

Suspension of Isra Hirsi for Pro-Palestinian Involvement

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, was suspended from college for her involvement in a pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia University. The encampment was organized by Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine to push for divestment from apartheid and genocide. The students were warned to disperse and faced sanctions if they did not comply.

Suspension of Isra Hirsi from Barnard College

Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, was suspended from Barnard College for refusing to leave an encampment in support of Gaza. The encampment was set up on Columbia's South Lawn and over 100 people were occupying the area. Barnard temporarily suspended students who refused to leave the unauthorized encampment.

Suspension of Isra Hirsi from Barnard College for Anti-Israel Protests

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, suspended from Barnard College for involvement in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. She and two other students were suspended for participating in an unauthorized encampment despite warnings. Hirsi remains defiant and calls for divestment from companies complicit in genocide.