Doctors Without Borders Denial of Fadi Al-Wadiya's Alleged Terrorist Affiliation

Doctors Without Borders denied that Fadi Al-Wadiya, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike, was also an Islamic Jihad terrorist. Israel Defense Forces produced photos of him in uniform and claimed he was a senior member of the terror group responsible for rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.

Israeli Defense Forces Operations against Hamas in Rafah, Gaza Strip

Israel Defense Forces have made significant progress in dismantling Hamas's remaining battalions in Rafah, Gaza Strip, particularly focusing on underground assets. However, challenges remain in completely destroying Hamas due to their strong underground presence. Pressure is mounting for a deal with Hamas on the release of hostages, but conditions set by both sides have not been met. The Biden administration opposed Israel's entry into Rafah to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe, which did not occur. Israel now controls the Gaza-Egypt border and smuggling routes previously used by Hamas.

Threat of Hezbollah to Israel and IDF Offensive Plans in Lebanon

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discusses U.S. actions to mitigate the threat Hezbollah poses to Israel, as the Israel Defense Forces approve plans for an offensive in Lebanon against the terrorist group.

Israeli Defense Forces Hostage Rescue in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces report that 104 Palestinians were killed in a successful hostage rescue in Gaza, all of whom were combatants. Hamas claims a higher death toll of 274, but the IDF insists that all casualties were Hamas terrorists or armed civilians collaborating with the organization.

Israel Defense Forces bombing of school in Gaza

Israel Defense Forces bombed a school in Gaza, killing 40 people including women and children. US calls for transparency from Israel and demands Hamas accept ceasefire proposal.

Israel Defense Forces discover Hamas tunnel in child's room in Rafah

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found a Hamas terror tunnel entrance inside a child's room in Rafah and eliminated terrorists in the area. The IDF conducted a precise airstrike on a Hamas compound inside a UNRWA school, resulting in casualties. Hamas claimed a massacre, while Israel defended its actions as targeting terrorists.

Israel Defense Forces operation in Rafah and the secret overpass between Egypt and Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces operation in Rafah revealed a secret overpass between Egypt and Gaza, allowing Hamas to smuggle weapons and prohibited materials without supervision. Egypt and the Biden administration opposed the Israeli operation to protect their interests. Israel seized control of the Philadelphi Corridor, killing terrorists and destroying tunnels and rocket launchers.

Israel Defense Forces securing Gaza-Egypt border and uncovering Hamas tunnels

The Israel Defense Forces secured control of the Gaza-Egypt border, uncovering tunnels and weapons used by Hamas in Rafah. The U.S. supported Israel's actions in the Philadelphi Corridor.

Israel Defense Forces reservist calls for mutiny against Benjamin Netanyahu

A video shared by Benjamin Netanyahu's son features an IDF reservist calling for a mutiny against the Prime Minister over Gaza assault. The soldier threatens to refuse movement and shows support for Netanyahu. The incident has led to a criminal investigation and international condemnation.

Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing and Israeli airstrike on Hamas in Rafah

Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing between Egyptian service members and Israeli Defense Forces, resulting in an Egyptian soldier's death. Israeli airstrike on Hamas compound in Rafah kills two top Hamas officials and civilians. United Nations' top court orders Israel to halt military offensive against Hamas in Rafah.

Recovery of Hostages in Gaza by IDF

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recovered the bodies of three hostages in an operation in northern Gaza who were murdered during the October 7 Massacre and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. The bodies were rescued in Jabalya and brought back to Israel. The IDF and ISA continue efforts to bring back all hostages.

Israel Defense Forces discovery of loaded rocket launchers in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces discovered loaded rocket launchers near Rafah in southern Gaza, adding weight to their argument for operating in Rafah. They destroyed the launch sites and identified a UNRWA school being used by Hamas for weapons and soldiers.

Israel Defense Forces discover loaded rocket launchers in Rafah

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) discovered and destroyed loaded rocket launchers in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, used by terrorist organizations to launch rockets into Israeli territory. This finding further justifies the ongoing IDF operation in Rafah, despite objections from the Biden administration and the international community.

Israel Defense Forces Attack on Hamas in Rafah, Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces launched an attack on Hamas positions in Rafah, southern Gaza, seizing key strategic points. Israeli forces encountered moderate resistance and replaced the Palestinian flag with the Israeli flag at the Rafah crossing. The IDF operation aimed to eliminate Hamas terrorists and infrastructure in the area.

Sanctions on Israeli Military Unit by Biden Administration

The Biden administration's decision to sanction a religious unit of the Israel Defense Forces may have negative consequences for U.S. troops and international relations. The sanctions are seen as a criticism of Israel's war against Hamas and other Iranian-backed terror groups, putting American soldiers at legal risk and potentially damaging the U.S.'s reputation as a faithful ally.

Iranian Attack on Israel

Israel Defense Forces intercepted majority of drones and cruise missiles launched by Iran, with a few hitting targets including an IDF base. Israel prepared for further attacks but believes the Iranian attack is over. Israel may respond with a full attack against Iran's nuclear program and Iranian proxies.

Attack on Aid Workers in Gaza

The killing of seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen highlights systemic failings in the Israel Defense Forces' approach to protecting humanitarian workers in Gaza, resulting in international pressure and outrage. Multiple incidents of attacks on aid workers have occurred, leading to curtailed aid deliveries and fatalities. Aid agencies criticize the deconfliction process as ineffective, with attacks continuing despite coordination efforts. Various aid organizations, including World Central Kitchen and Doctors Without Borders, have faced attacks and casualties, with little accountability from the Israeli military.

Israel Defense Forces mistakenly target and kill aid workers in Gaza

Israel Defense Forces mistakenly targeted and killed seven aid workers in Gaza, leading to international condemnation and demands for an explanation. Two officers will be dismissed, and others reprimanded for the incident.

Chinese Support for Hamas and Palestinian Militant Groups

Chinese support for Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups revealed during Israel-Hamas war, including Chinese-made weapons found in Gaza by Israel Defense Forces. Analyst Guermantes Lailari suggests Chinese military backing for Iran as source of the arms.

Israeli Military Operations in Gaza Hospitals

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted operations at Shifa Hospital in Gaza, killing 170 terrorists and arresting 480 more. IDF surrounded two other hospitals. They located weapons and terrorist infrastructure in the hospitals. CNN reported IDF surrounded Al-Amal Hospital and Nasser Hospital. Israel has accused Palestinian terrorists of using hospitals for military purposes.

Israeli Defense Forces plan to evacuate Palestinian civilians in Rafah before entering to fight Hamas

The Israel Defense Forces plan to evacuate Palestinian civilians near Gaza town of Rafah to 'humanitarian islands' before entering to fight and destroy the last four remaining Hamas terrorist battalions. U.S. President Joe Biden warns Israel not to enter Rafah without a plan for evacuating civilians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists on finishing the job of defeating Hamas to prevent future attacks.

Israel Defense Forces conduct naval exercises near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces conducted naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah. Clashes along the Israeli-Lebanese border have intensified as Hezbollah continues to fire rockets and drones at Israel. Israeli leaders have stated that if a diplomatic solution is not found, they will go to war in Lebanon.