Political Campaign against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Keep America America Action Fund, connected to Job Creators Network, is supporting investment banker Marty Dolan to challenge Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the Democratic primary, criticizing her on various issues. Dolan focuses on illegal immigration chaos and opposes AOC's policies.

Inflation Misinformation by President Joe Biden

Job Creators Network calls out President Joe Biden for false and misleading statements about inflation being at 9 percent when he took office. Biden's claim contradicted by actual inflation rate of 1.4 percent at the time. Small businesses and American families affected by soaring consumer prices.

Engaging Hispanic Voters on Economic Issues for 2024 Election

Job Creators Network and partners are launching a national campaign to engage Hispanic voters on economic issues ahead of the 2024 election, highlighting the positive impact of Hispanics on the American economy and advocating for pro-growth policies.

President Biden Urged to Secure Border through Executive Order

President Biden is being urged to secure the border through an executive order to address the surge in illegal immigration. Critics argue that he has the power to do so without Congress's involvement.

Impact of Joe Biden's Border Crisis on Small Businesses

Job Creators Network's billboard in Times Square highlights the chaos caused by Joe Biden's border crisis, urging action to secure the border. The Biden administration is blamed for increased crime affecting small businesses and consumer foot traffic. Sign a petition at SecureOurBordersNow.com.