NPR CEO Katherine Maher Refuses House Committee Appearance

NPR CEO Katherine Maher refuses House committee's request to appear, citing prior board meeting, sparking backlash and concerns about NPR's direction under her leadership.

Scandal at NPR

Discussion on the scandal at NPR involving editor Uri Berliner's resignation, with Bill Maher criticizing NPR for left-wing bias and social media posts by CEO Katherine Maher.

Controversy Surrounding Katherine Maher and Wikipedia

Katherine Maher, newly appointed CEO of NPR and former CEO of Wikimedia, is facing criticism for her past tweets and leftist views. She is accused of steering Wikipedia away from 'free and open' discussions, labeling it a 'white male westernized construct'. Critics claim her leadership led to Wikipedia becoming a source of fake news and extreme leftist groupthink.

Controversy over NPR's CEO Katherine Maher's left-wing ideology and past social media posts

Former NPR editor Uri Berliner's statement about the resignation of NPR's embattled chief executive Katherine Maher, who has faced criticism for her left-wing ideology and past social media posts. Maher's support for liberal figures and views has sparked controversy within the organization.

NPR Senior Editor Suspension and CEO Controversy

NPR senior editor Uri Berliner was suspended for criticizing liberal bias at the organization and questioning the suitability of CEO Katherine Maher. Maher's past social media posts show progressive views and support for Clinton and Biden.

NPR President Katherine Maher under fire for liberal bias

NPR President Katherine Maher under fire for past tweets revealing liberal bias, responds to criticism from senior editor about NPR's left-leaning reporting. Critics call to 'defund NPR.'