Protests in Kenya over Tax Increases

Protesters in Kenya demand President William Ruto resign over proposed tax increases, even after he withdrew the legislation following deadly protests. Crowds call for further action and step down of the president, leading to clashes with police and military presence in the streets.

Protests in Kenya over Proposed Tax Increases

Protesters clash with police in Nairobi demanding President William Ruto resign over proposed tax increases. Ruto refuses to sign a finance bill proposing new taxes after violent clashes that resulted in several deaths. Kenyans express widespread dissatisfaction with the bill, leading to a major setback for Ruto. The protests unite people beyond tribal divisions against the bill.

Kenyan President William Ruto's Reversal on Controversial Finance Bill

Kenyan President William Ruto plans to withdraw a controversial finance bill following violent protests and a deadly government crackdown. The bill aimed to raise taxes on essential items, sparking outrage and demonstrations across the country.

Protests in Kenya over Tax Hikes

Protesters clashed with police in Kenya's capital Nairobi over proposed tax increases, resulting in at least 23 deaths and numerous injuries. Demonstrators are calling for President William Ruto to resign amid a nationwide protest movement.

Protests in Kenya

Protesters killed in Kenya as police fire on crowds demonstrating against proposed tax increases.

Political Unrest in Kenya, U.S. Politics, Espionage Trial in Russia

Deadly protests in Kenya over tax hikes, Republican VP candidates pitch to Trump, U.S. journalist on trial for espionage in Russia.

Protests in Kenya Against Tax Hike Bill

Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama, was hit with tear gas while rallying with protesters in Kenya against a tax hike bill. The protest turned violent with at least five people fatally shot and many injured. The protesters are demanding economic relief and an end to corruption from Kenyan leaders.

Protests against Tax Hike in Kenya

Barack Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama, was hit with tear gas while protesting against a tax hike in Kenya. The protest turned violent with fatalities reported as protesters clashed with police. The tax increase is causing unrest due to high cost of living and increasing debt in the country.

Kenya Parliament Protests

Protesters stormed Kenya's parliament opposing a new finance bill, resulting in a fire and violent clashes with police. Several people were killed and injured, and the government faced significant unrest.

Protests in Kenya over Proposed Tax Increases

Protesters clash with police in Kenya's capital Nairobi over proposed tax increases, resulting in at least five deaths, dozens wounded, and sections of the parliament building set ablaze. Demonstrators demand President William Ruto's resignation.

Kenyan Protests Against Tax Rises

Kenyan police open fire on protestors as they storm parliament in widespread demonstrations against sweeping tax rises, resulting in several deaths and injuries. The controversial tax bill aims to raise taxes to pay off foreign debt, sparking outrage among Kenyan citizens.

Kenyan protests over tax hike

Intense clashes and protests in Kenya after lawmakers approved a tax-raising proposal

Protests in Kenya Over Finance Bill

Protesters in Kenya clashed with police over a new finance bill imposing new taxes, resulting in violence, deaths, and a direct assault on the government. Demonstrators demanded legislators vote against the bill due to frustrations over the high cost of living. The bill was passed, leading to protests and clashes in various cities.

Protests in Kenya against Finance Bill

Protesters in Kenya set part of parliament building on fire in response to a controversial finance bill imposing new taxes. Police opened fire on protesters, resulting in at least three deaths. Two people died in similar protests the previous week. Kenya Human Rights Commission reported 50 Kenyans, including the president's personal assistant, were abducted by police officers. President Ruto was away attending an African Union retreat.

Do Elephants Have Names?

A study suggests that wild elephants use distinctive rumbling sounds to address each other, potentially indicating the presence of individual names similar to how dolphins use signature whistles. Researchers used machine learning to analyze recordings of wild African elephants in Kenya and found that the elephants seemed to recognize their 'names' and react preferentially to recordings containing those sounds.

Kenya designated as Major Non-NATO ally by President Biden

President Joe Biden promises to designate Kenya as a Major Non-NATO ally during a state visit by Kenyan President William Ruto. The upgrade is in recognition of Kenya's contributions to global peace and security, particularly in counterterrorism efforts.

Debt Relief for Developing Nations

President Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto are calling on economies to reduce debt burden on developing nations during Ruto's state visit to the U.S. The Nairobi-Washington Vision aims to provide better financing terms and debt relief through international cooperation.

Bilateral Relations Between US and Kenya

President Biden welcomes Kenya's President William Ruto for a state visit, designates Kenya as a major non-NATO ally, and focuses on tech, debt, and climate issues during the meeting. This is the first state visit by an African head of state in nearly 20 years.

High-level mediation talks on South Sudan launched in Kenya

High-level mediation talks on South Sudan were launched in Kenya with African presidents calling for an end to a conflict that has crippled the country's economy for years. The talks aim to resolve outstanding issues to ensure stability and economic development in the region.

Kenya's Record Rainfall and Flash Floods

Kenya is experiencing record rainfall with over 200 deaths in flash floods and criticism of the government's slow response.

Kenya's Doctors Strike

Kenya's public hospital doctors union signed a return to work agreement with the government, ending a national strike that began in mid-March due to labor issues. The strike had left patients in limbo.

Multinational Security Mission in Haiti

U.S. military planes filled with civilian contractors and supplies have started landing in Haiti to pave the way for a multinational security mission led by Kenya. The deployment, estimated to cost $600 million, faces funding shortages. The mission, approved by the United Nations, aims to address the crisis in Haiti caused by gang violence and famine.

Kenyan President Ruto Postpones School Reopening Due to Severe Floods

Kenyan President William Ruto has postponed the reopening of schools due to heavy rains and floods, with more than 200 people killed. Floods in Kenya and East Africa have displaced over 150,000 people, leading to evacuations near full dams and reservoirs.

Flooding in Kenya

Heavy rains in Kenya have led to dozens of deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands of people. Human Rights Watch criticizes the Kenyan government for its inadequate response to ongoing floods.

Floods and Landslides in Kenya

Floods and landslides in Kenya have resulted in over 170 deaths since March, with hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes.

Kenya Dam Collapse and Boat Capsizing

Dozens killed in western Kenya after Old Kijabe Dam collapse due to heavy rains; boat capsizes in Tana River.

Kenya Dam Collapse and Flooding

A dam collapse in western Kenya resulted in at least 40 deaths, with ongoing heavy rains causing flooding and displacement of thousands of people in the region.

Flooding in Kenya

Heavy rains in Kenya have caused severe flooding, leading to the postponement of school reopening and affecting over 200,000 people. The flooding has resulted in numerous deaths and displacement of residents across the country.

Kenya Dam Collapse and Flooding

A dam collapsed in western Kenya, killing at least 40 people and causing flooding that has affected over 200,000 people. Heavy rains in the region have led to significant damage and loss of life.

Kenyan Doomsday Cult Leader Charged with Murder

A cult leader in Kenya was charged with murder after the discovery of over 400 bodies in a remote forest. The victims were members of a doomsday cult led by Paul Mackenzie who urged followers to starve themselves to death to go see Jesus. The trials of the cult leader and his associates are set to begin soon.

Kenya's Military Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash

Kenya's military chief Gen. Francis Ogolla died in a helicopter crash near the border with Uganda, causing nine fatalities. President William Ruto declared three days of national mourning.

Wild Buffaloes Electrocuted in Kenya

Eight wild buffaloes in Kenya were electrocuted after walking into low-lying power lines at Lake Nakuru National Park. Conservationists have raised concerns over the risk to wildlife posed by power lines. President William Ruto announced the construction of an electric fence to prevent elephants from encroaching into neighboring farms.

Flooding in Kenya

Heavy rains in Kenya lead to deaths of at least 13 people and displacement of 15,000 people. Floods cut off major roads and cause mudslides, affecting thousands. Rescue efforts and warnings issued as more rains are expected until June.

Kenya doctors strike for better pay and working conditions

Kenya's Kenyatta University Referral Hospital has laid off 100 doctors participating in a month-long nationwide strike demanding better pay and working conditions. President William Ruto stated there is no money to pay the striking doctors. The doctors' union remains adamant and continues to protest for their demands.

Kenya cult deaths

Kenya's government is handing over the bodies of 429 members of a doomsday cult, led by Paul Mackenzie, who asked followers to starve themselves to death to meet Jesus. The bodies showed signs of starvation and strangulation. Mackenzie faces charges including murder and the trial begins on April 23.

Explosion at Small Hotel in Mandera, Kenya

An explosion at a small hotel in Mandera, Kenya, near a police station killed four people, including three officers, and wounded several others. The blast was caused by an improvised explosive device planted at the hotel.

Armed gangs release 4,000 inmates from Haiti's largest prison

Armed gangs in Haiti's capital released roughly 4,000 inmates from the country's largest prison after a days-long gun battle with police. Gangs attacked the National Penitentiary and the main container port. Prime Minister Ariel Henry left the country seeking help against domestic gangs. Haiti has not held an election since 2016. Kenya agreed to send 1,000 police officers to combat gang violence in Haiti.

Violence in Haiti's Capital Amid Police Officer Deaths and Deployment of Police Mission

Violence and heavy gunfire erupted in Haiti's capital, leading to traffic disruptions. Four police officers were killed in earlier violent events. Kenya and Haiti signed a deal to deploy 1,000 police officers to tackle gang violence, but the deployment is currently on hold due to legal issues.

Kenya and Haiti police deployment agreement

Kenya and Haiti signed agreements to deploy 1,000 police officers to Haiti to combat gang violence. However, the plan faces legal challenges and uncertainty due to lack of reciprocal agreements and constitutional issues.