Kenyan Doomsday Cult Leader Charged with Murder

A cult leader in Kenya was charged with murder after the discovery of over 400 bodies in a remote forest. The victims were members of a doomsday cult led by Paul Mackenzie who urged followers to starve themselves to death to go see Jesus. The trials of the cult leader and his associates are set to begin soon.

Key Points

  • Paul Mackenzie started a cult in 2003 in Kenya, leading followers to believe they needed to starve themselves to prepare for Jesus' return.
  • Some victims were suffocated or beaten to death when they tried to change their minds about starving to death.
  • Survivors have shared stories of realizing the danger and running away from the cult.


  • Justice being served through legal actions against the cult leader and associates.
  • Awareness being raised about the dangers of extreme religious beliefs and manipulation.


  • Tragic loss of over 400 lives, including nearly 200 children.
  • The psychological and emotional trauma experienced by the survivors.